Saving Her - CH 1

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Only thing she remember was being kidnapped and taken to an strange island filled with bubbles and odd humans who would buy slaves for an price. She was traded in for slave because of her race she wasn't other humans or even mermaid. She was angel half angel as she was bought in as she had an collar around her neck she was even chained. Her wings was shown she was told to show them and show the world what she was. Disco was very happy about this angel being on earth he thought they did not exist. Once the Auction started the blue haired women did not want be sold to group of people! she wanted get out here so badly she can't run away with out this collar going off! "Hey your next!" One of the guards open the jail cell as he grabs Rina then heads out onto the stage. Why was she on before the mermaid? she thought mermaids was rare also it's seem like Disco wanted an good price for her the girl try her best not to bite down on her lip.

"Now! we have an rare treat for you all! This girl is not like others! fact she not even human! She came from another world." Disco started to talk about her. As the curtains started to  go up reliving the angel on the stage many of the novels was shocked by her beauty. "Start her at 100,000,000" She was that high?! the angel's flicked as the feathers started to fall from her there was many bets on her but the highest went to an group of pirates who wanted her for 600,000,000 she stared at the pirates who bought her they're not friendly! fact she did not want be pirate! As those pirates bought her she notices this guy wearing an yellow/black hoodie wearing an fur hat staring at her. This how her life was going be?! she did not want go with those pigs! the captain look like an horny person who just wanted take her and have his way with her. As she was pushed off the stage.

'NO NO NOOOOO' was screaming in her mind sudden there was an large crashing sound the strawhats crushed through the roof of the auction house. The girl was taken back as she started running out of the auction. Only get stopped by an giant guy who was waiting outside the auction house. "Angel? that rare site.." He said staring down at her as the angel was in tears. "Don't let them take me!" Only thing she said before Jean pick up the girl into his hands. "Hide behind me" He order as the winged female did she clinged to the guy's back as her wings vanished. Soon after while the marines appeared as three guys walked out of the house. One was Luffy she hear stories from people she meet. One was Kid she heard about him also and the last one she never meet before. He was same guy that was staring at her back inside. As the fight between the marines and three captains taken place in the fight.

Before the tall guy in hoodie can leave he walked over to Jean. "Captain Jean Bart. I can aid your freedom if you join my crew." He notices the young girl hiding behind him it's was angel that was solded to those pirates who was taken down by Luffy and his crew. "I'll join you. This better then being an slave. But only ask for one thing.. If you take this girl with us. I don't see her being an slave.." He asked Law smirked. "I was going take her away if those pirates taken her. I would save her. Yes she can join also." As Rina came out of hiding as she sat on Jean's shoulder. "Come on let go. Umm What your name?" He asked. "Rina." She answer back. Jean give an smile before leaving with the rest of the Heart Pirates.

"I never seen pretty lady!" The guy with hat with an red pompon on top.

"She indeed cute!" The red head said with an blush.

Rina stayed close to Jean in shy mood. "Awww she shy!" They both said together.

Rina blushed as she stayed quite as the group came to the  bridge with Bepo as Jean used his great strength to break the brigade with the marines on it. The angel watches how strong those pirates was. Even the bear. "Why is there a bear?" She spoke as Bepo stood there with an depressed look on his face. "I'm sorry." He stared down at the ground. "W-Wait! I did not mean it like that!" Rina blushed once more the bear was cute! and fluffy also. "Sorry I did not mean upset you!" She jumped down off Jean's shoulder as she kicked the marine away from them. "Your good fighter.." Bepo did not think this angel had powers like that.

With more marines coming closer. "I can fly.. But I can't carried everyone with me." She mutter before Law and Kid arrived at the scene. "I told you I'll take care of it!" Kid shouted at Law as Law rolled his eyes at Kid. "Don't order me around." Rina stared at the two captains. "Come on" Jean pick up Rina again then heads off to the ship. Once back on the ship Jean let Rina down on the deck as Law joined them soon after that. He stared at Rina for moment. "Your angel huh?" He was going have fun check up with her.


Rina was taken to the medical room to be check out to make sure she was alright. Law removed the collar from her neck and the cuffs also. "There you should be fine now. Rina-ya" As Rina yawned before fallen asleep on the bed. To Law he wasn't shocked she must been  tried and scared he pick her up then carried her to his own room. "You can sleep in here for now." He said before leaving the room letting the girl sleep.

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