part 9

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3rd person pov

Bakugou walked into kirishimas dorm room shortly followed by kirishima. "So what is it you wanted to tell me bakugou" kirishima said sounding confused. Bakugou couldn't stand the fact that he was going to open up to someone. It's as if he doesn't even understand how he feels about kirishima. But he told him the truth anyway. "I like know I like you but for some good damb reason you ignore it anyway. It's as if your playing along with it without telling me how you actually fell. That's exactly what your fucking doing ugh" bakugou yelled not exactly know what he just said. "Fuck just tell me how you feel about me already" bakugou said frustrated. Kirishima thought he made it obvious that he liked bakugou but at the same time he was relived bakugou didn't know how he felt. Kirishima felt so pressured by his dad not excepting.him for who he is." Bakugou I need to tell you something, starting of with I like you." Bakugou was surprised at his words he didn't actually  expected  kirishima to like him back but before he could say anything kirishima started talking again. " about a week ago after I took you to that cat cafe u wentnhow and came out to my parents. My mom was excepting of me while my dad.....was not. He slapped me and told me to get out of his house and ever since that day I havent talked to my dad." Bakugou looked at kirishima not knowing what to say...he had no idea that that happened  to him. "So what? Your not going to except my feeling because your dad's a jackass and doesn't know how to except his own son." Bakugou yelledd "You know what I don't think my dad's the only jackass here" kirishima yelled back getting angry. "Fuck this" bakugou said slamming the door behind him. Bakugou walked back in his dorm slamming the door shut once agian.  I'm such a fucking idiot he grunted to himself. Ever since I've gone death I've felt like such a disappointing to everyone...especially kiri. At this point test wear treating his eyes and he tried to fight back the tear but a few managed to role down his cheeks. "Ugh I fucking hate this!" He yelled as he threw his phone across the room. "Fuck now phones broke" he said as he tried to turn it on. I should probably go visit my mom tommorow..i have a lot to tell her. While bakugou began to calm down a kirishima was thinking about their argument that just happened. O can't believe I fucking said that he thought to himself. Bakugou right I never gave him a real answer. As kirishima thought to himself he heard a know at the door. "Who is it?" Kirishima asked. "It's me" a muffled voice from behind the door said. Kirishima opened up the door to see bakugou front of him. "It hasn't even been 30 minuets and your already.back" kirishima said. "That just.goes to show how much I like you...doesnt it " bakugou said surprisingly  nervous. "Look I really am sorry I shouldn't have been so hard on you to give me a reply. If you want my honest opinion I would go over there and fucking cuss your dad out if I could" bakugou said. "I'm sorry too, you were right I never gave you a direct response to your feelings about me, I thought it was obvious that I liked you but I guess not" kirishima jokingly but honestly said. The two boys sat there with thier thoughts in silence. "So are we....a thing now?" Kirishima sheepishly asked. "How the fuck am I supposed to know, I've never liked anyone before!" Bakugou yelled. Kirishima laughed at the comment bakugou made and said "guess we'll have to figure it out  ourselves."

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