New girl

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People like to judge you no matter what, 'why do you wear baggy clothes? You would look better showing at least a little skin' 'wow I can't believe you would wear that it makes you look like a whore' no matter what, your always judged. At least that's how I've seen the world. They say middle school is the best time of your life, I don't know how having mental breakdowns and being bullied is exactly the best.

I'm sitting in my usual seat, no one ever really sits next to me, it's always the last person here has too. I don't know why it is that way, I don't think I've done anything wrong, 'have I?' What if I pissed of the wrong person? Let's see when did this start, the beginning of this year? No, near the end of last year, who did I talk to? I don't know, is it just that they chose me? Who even started this? Did everyone just think 'hey! why don't we bully Francis? She is a good target.' Whatever, I'm overthinking this. I just have to get past this year and I'll be gone, I'll be free.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the teacher come in, she stared me down, sighed and sat at her desk. She has talked to me more times then I can count about how I "should dress more lady like, no man will ever like you if you dress like this." Always waiving her hand at my choice of clothing that day, as if she can't explain it. She never really understood the problem with what she said, it's always what they say about love that affects me. I dress like this because I don't want a man to like me. I've never found men to be attractive, and I don't want men to find me attractive either. I have a slight tan skin tone and brown eyes, people have told me that they look like they are covered in glitter. I have a fairly good looking face, but when thats all that guys see, it doesn't specifically turn them on.

It wasn't until the teacher began talking, I noticed a slightly smaller girl standing with her things in front of the class, I noticed she was staring at me so I smiled and waved, it's seemed like her face was tinted with a slight red, Maybe she is just nervous? The teacher stated that she is new and will be joining us. Yea no shit. I began to doze off, thinking of different things, trying to ignore the whispers behind me, "man the new girl looks good." The other hummed in agreement. I guess I was shocked because the girl, dressed like me, stood like me, was a mirror reflection as too what the others hated about me. This is just plain dumb. The teacher ended her speech about how perfect the new girl is and how she will and should be accepted in this class. Great, another person people will tell that I'm horrible. I let out a small sigh then heard shuffling next to me.

I look next to me to see the girl, sitting next to me, there were other seats around the class room, next to Britney one of the 'popular' kids in the school, I still don't understand why every one adores her, she is just another bitch. My focus goes back to the girl, what was hey name? Layla? Yea Layla.

After a while the teacher called Layla and me up to her desk. I wanted to go through the morning without having to deal with this failure of a teacher. She began talking and I couldn't care less, she was mainly talking to Layla until she called my name. "Francis? Are you up to showing Layla around the school?" God. I can't even get around the school on my own, now I have to show her? "Okay" hmm? I didn't mean to say that, wait. "Great! I'll write you pass to show her around" I didn't- there's no use in arguing with her, it ends in her saying "I'm the teacher, I'm right." And im left defenseless.

We were already out the door when she started talking, "I know you don't really want to show me around but thanks for dong it anyway." I turned my head to look at her and looked away quickly, "no problem." "Hey, what's you name anyway? I know you know mine" I looked at her and looked back down at the floor again. "Well it won't matter in a few hours but just to let you know it's Francis." Before she could ask what I was talking about I interrupted her "this is the bathroom, I wouldn't go in here but you can since this is Britney's bathroom, she would probably like you though" she looked confused but decided not to mention it. She looked at me and began to speak, "hey I have my schedule with me, could you just show me the classrooms I have and then everything els next?" Good idea, expected from from her I guess, she seems like the "perfect girl" that every mother and father would want, 'guess I'll always be the failure'

I took her schedule and hummed, I handed it back to her and began explaining "you and me have the same classes so you could just follow me around or if you really want to I can show you them right now." I sounded tired, heck I am tired. I don't want to be here, not at school, not at home, not even on earth. I expected her to just say yea sure and continue to walk with me, but she didn't. She stopped, I noticed a few steps later. "Are you coming or-"

"Are you okay?"

977 words total

Authors note: oof, this was pretty long to write but will probably take you a min to read, oh well. Anyways please subscribe or whatever and like it I guess, I sound like I'm trying to trick you into doing the subscribe and liking thing but I cant ask for thing so like yea.

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