A legendary beginning

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So this is the afterlife eh? Not quite Jason. Who are....(wait a minute) Vados!? Why are you here? To give you a second chance at life as a gamer
In another world of your choice. Okay, so which world am I going to? The one we're I'm from. Say no more I'm sold. Okay now you choose the
race that you want to be reborn as. Human, Freiza race, Saiyan, or The Majin.( Their no way I'm gonna be the same race as Freiza, Being human
again would just be a waste. Being a Majin ain't so bad, other than lack of speech and the possibility of being controlled. Saiyan it is then) I made
up my mind. I want to be a Saiyan. Good now you choose your background: Low-class Joke= you've been born with the most pathetic power level
ever. You're beaten to death and bullied every day of your life. ( Fuck that!) : Prodigy = you were born under the full moon as your tail was a different color then the rest. Your power lvl at birth was 5,000. ( Hmm, okay I can manage that) : Become Legendary= Every generation has one
and your him, The Legendary Super Saiyan. Born with the power lvl of 15,000. The king fears you and order your exacution, he will learn that was a mistake. Your mother Tasha took you away along her friend and his family. They vowed to one day return and kill the king.( Wow, I'm guessing that Freiza spared planet Vegeta) Vados I choose Becoming legendary. Everything thing is set, you won't be able to see me for some time
Jason. It gonna suck not seeing my friend. This isn't goodbye just a see you later.* Jason hugs Vados as she returns it ) now go get em Tiger.

*Jason vision goes black, but the hear his motherly voice* my Little boy is so precious * Jason looks up as see his mother Fasah*

*Jason vision goes black, but the hear his motherly voice* my Little boy is so precious * Jason looks up as see his mother Fasah*

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So this is your runt huh?

Yes Bardock this is Jason

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Yes Bardock this is Jason. So what his power lvl? I'm not sure I haven't checked yet. Hold on (...) * Bardock press the button on the side of his scouter and is shocked at what he sees and press the button again but the number remains the same* So what my son power lvl? 15,000.
What! I checked twice already and the number is the same. The king will not like that a newborn has the potential power to overthrow him.
Yes, he'll try to send assassin after him and you. (...) Then we leave. I can already tell if the king hates him then Freiza would love him as a salve
and attack dog. If we stay it either death from the king or treated like a dog from Freiza. How soon can you have the pods ready? It's already set.
Then we have to go now. Take your son and meet Gine by the launching pods. Were are you going? Have to let Turles and Radiz know of the
situation and we're to find us now go. *15 min later * Hello Fasha. Hey Gin so this is little Jason eh? Yep. * You look up at Gine and smiles* He likes you. * Bardock comes back* Were you able to warn them? Yes I told them to meet us on a little backwater planet call earth. How long will
it take for us to get their? 2days in the elite pods I borrowed. Let's go.* Fasah got in the pod with Jason in her arms. Gine got in the other with her
son Goku with Bardock in the other one. The punched in the coordinates and headed to earth. A few days later they landed near kami lookout.
After a brief discussion kami allowed them to stay and train themselves and the boys so one day they can take revenge against king Vegeta and

*15years later*

* Over the years Jason have advance so far. Mastering his Super Saiyan forms to the highest peak. Same for Goku, Gine, Bardock, Fasha, Turles, and Radiz ( who finally cut his and now looks much better than before)

 Same for Goku, Gine, Bardock, Fasha, Turles, and Radiz ( who finally cut his and now looks much better than before)

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This is what he look like👍👍👍👌👌.

Jason Time for dinner! Coming mom!( Prince Vegeta and nappa will soon be here. I'm gonna destroy that little twerp! Along with nappa)
(...) Wow son your power just went up again? I don't like to brag, also congrats on mastering ssj2. Thanks son it was a lot of hard work. (...)
So how long until daddy's boy and peanut brain arrives? Well Radiz said a year so about 13 more days at the least. Do.../incoming call/. (Hello!,
is this the right number?)Depends, what do you want? (I'm the supreme Kai of time and I need your help) Ain't she the one that the old Kai told
us about? Honesty I'm surprised he knew about her being a major perv. ( Please tell me he's still not trying to grope women!?) Yep, so what you
need my help with?( Someone is messing with time and I need your help, they very dangerous and extremely powerful) *both Fasha and Jason
grined* powerful you say? Just how powerful? 10,000,000x more power full than Freiza (...) I'm in. So am I. ( Great, also Vegeta and nappa won't
be alone they'll have four more Saiyan with them.) Thanks for the heads up, well handle it.( Thank you both an good luck)./ Call ended/. Well time to get to work.

Boom! Done hey guys MadTitan here finished with chapter one hope you like it. Next chapter is harem list. U till the adiyos

 U till the adiyos

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