Treat you better

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Second of February and Manic decided it was time for him to visit his friend. Ever since she got into the school, he wasn't able to go see her. Also, he had found a fair nearby! Heh, it was a chance to have a date with her at last! Manic knocked on the door, resisting the urge to make some kind of rhythm as he did with his drums. The door swung open Amy blinked twice and grinned. Manic felt like he was on top of the world, he had missed this. But that was when he noticed it, the dark circles under her eyes. His green eyes filled with worry and wordlessly they both got in. Manic frowned, what had happened to her? Why hadn't she slept? Was it his fault? They sat on the paper filled bed, careful not to ruin the pages. Also, he didn't read them, he knew how much she hated people snooping.

"Amy? What happened?" asked Manic while he took out a handkerchief and offered it to her, she sighed holding the cloth close to her heart. She was beautiful, even sad. But the green hedgehog hated to see Amy looking like a broken angel.

"N-Nothing...I just..." She forced out a smile, yet, he wasn't buying it.

"Amy, I know when you're lying to me."


"Did you dream of the parasites or the prudes again?"


Amy only let out a choked sob, allowing Manic to hug her close. He silently rubbed her back, fuming internally at his brother.  The flow of tears stopped once Amy was dry of them. With a sigh, Manic stroked her quills. 

"So what happened?"

"I couldn't break the furry spell!"

"Amy, listen to me." Amy looked up at him when he spoke. "You're strong. I know that you always can get up every time you fall. So, you will find a way to break that spell in you nightmares!"

Amy gave him a weak smile, and Manic just prayed he didn't get a heart attack now, or worse, that this would make his power over earth get a little out of control.

"Thank you...Manic" she said with agrin. "You're right! I will save the world from turning into furry monsters and choke to death with fluff!"

"That a girl!" he said patting her head. 

Manic smiled back, happy that Amy was better now. 

"Hey, how about we go to the fair?" Manic blurted surprising the pink hedgehog.

"Sure," she said getting up and following him out. "Wait! Why don't we invite some friends...your sister and...S-Sonic!"

Godamn, he almost did it! Sheesh, her crush with Sonic was starting to bother him. The prince knew he could treat her better than his distracted brother. Obviously, she needed someone to treat her right...but maybe he wasn't her type?  Did she need a gentleman? Manic wasn't one, he had seen Shadow with her...and he was exactly what he wasn't. Ugh, why did the edgelord get moves before him! Plus, somebody was stalking them.

Well suck it up, these people were gonna see that Amy was on a date with him! Arriving there was a little too fast for his liking, but watching how she excitedly jumped up and down made him laugh out loud. Lights, noise, the smell of cooked goods invaded their nostrils. It was obvious, they had arrived at Eggman Carnival, the one created by Shadow's uncle. It took no time at all for them to rush around and choose a game.

"I bet I'll win this." Manic smirked as Amy held a water gun with him.

"In your dreams, Manic." She smirked back as they started.

From game to game they won and lost, deciding against getting on a rollercoaster since they had too many prizes on their hands. They chose to eat some food together, smoothies, one was lemon the other was strawberry. They watched as the sun started to set, there was one last place they were going to The mirror maze. Now, they had their stuff in their storage cuffs and walked inside.

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