Chapter 14

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I stand up. What am I doing here? "Nothing. We did nothing. And even if we did something it's not you're business!" it's so hard to make those words come out.

Sophia stares at me like she can't believe someone has just stood up to her. "he's my boyfriend so yes it is my business."

"Well according to Nathan you're not his girlfriend." I storm out of the room down the stairs and outside jumping on my bike. I pedal quickly and head to I don't even know. Anywhere but here. I stop after a few minutes of riding in front of Alice's house. I walk up to the front door but stop, remembering she's with her dad. I go sit on the curb. I sit for a while before I see a group of boys walk down the street. I've seen them in school but I couldn't tell you who they were. As they come closer one boy in the back catches my attention. He sees me and breaks away from the group and walks over to me sitting next to me.

"what's wrong?" Nathan asks me. The group he was with stops but he tells them he'll catch up with them.

"what makes you think something's wrong?" I really don't want to talk to him or anyone right now.

"Well I can't think of any other reason that a pretty girl would be sitting by herself."

I stand up and walk over to my bike.

"Wait! Hayley!" he runs up behind me. "Do you want to come get some lunch with me? We can...I don't know... Talk?"

"Nathan go away. I don't want to talk to you or anyone right now." I hop onto my bike and go to leave but Nathan stands in front of me.

"For some reason I think you're lying. Please. Please come to lunch with me. No talking just lunch. You're probably starving." his eyes lock with mine. It makes it impossible to say no.

I look down "fine. But after lunch I'm going home." I step off the bike and Nathan grabs it from me. We walk down the street together. We were both silent until Nathan asks what I want for lunch.

"I don't care. Whatever you want." I was starting to get hungry.

We keep walking and Nathan takes me to a pizzeria. I sit down at a table as he orders us some pizza.

He walks back to the table putting down my slice in front of me and sits down with his across from me. We eat in silence.

"So I heard that there's a party tonight." Nathan says quietly I nod.

"I think I'm going to go. You should come too."

"I'd rather not." I say indifferently. But did Nathan just ask me out?

"ok." he shrugs. He knows not to push it.

We're both finished so Nathan throws out both of our plates. We walk outside.

"Let me walk you home." Nathan says.

"It's fine I can take care of myself." I can't have Nathan walk home with me.

"let me walk you home." he points to the sky "It's going to start pouring."

I look at the sky. He's right and I don't have the energy to argue. "Fine. But once I get home you go home.

Nathan takes my bike again and follows me to my house. About half way to my house it starts pouring just like Nathan says. We walk quicker and soon we're at my house and Nathan helps me get my bike into the garage. I look outside. I see lightning strike in the distance. I can't make Nathan walk home now. As he starts to walk away I yell for him "Nathan! You can't go home in this rain." he turns back to me. A smile starting to form on his face.

I walk towards him "You can stay here until it stops." I can't believe myself.

"Really?" he asks like he doesn't believe it either.

"Really" I say and we walk into my house. There's no one home so it's quiet.

"Nice house." Nathan says.

My house is small but my mom loves home improvement stuff and whenever the style changes so does the house decor. "Thanks" I reply "Do you want some tea?"

"yes please." he says and I go and make tea for the both of us. Nathan sits at the table and I sit too putting a cuppa in front of us.

We drink in silence neither of us knowing what to say to each other.

Say It; A Nathan Sykes FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now