Chapter 8: The End?

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A/N: It looks like Genos is crying right? If you read the chapter, you'll understand why he is. NOT MY PICTURE!!

My eyes widen slightly as Genos began to passionately kiss me. I soon found myself kissing him back, just as slow and passionate. He pulled away and stood up to his full height, leaving me a blushing mess and craving for more. He stares down at me for a moment before speaking. "I'm not sure exactly what you're doing, but I want to help." He whispers. I shake my head. "I'm sorry Genos, but it's too dangerous for you to come with me." I state, pushing him away. He grabs my hand again. "Please Eri. You've become very important to me and I want to help you. I can't lose you." I began to blush again but shake my head. "No... You're very important to me too, but I can't ask you to join me. It's going to be dangerous." I walk past him before he could protest and made my way to the hospital he had mentioned. I jumped through the window into the room where Jorouo was sleeping. He was in a full body cast, his face bandaged up so he clearly couldn't see me. "Hey Mr. Jorouo." I whisper, sitting down next to him. The only response I got was the beeping from his machine that monitored his heartbeat. "So, I've got a question." Beep. "Have you ever had someone who wanted to help you even after you've done horrible things?" Beep. "Well, even after I have done all those horrible things to the other scientists, Genos still wants to be friends. He even wants to help me with my mission." Beep. "Oh, and another thing, he kissed me! I mean, I've seen kissing in movies and read them in books, but I never thought it would feel so good!" Beep. "I'm unsure what to do now. On one hand, I would like the help with Mr. Akio, but on the other, I could never forgive myself if he got hurt." Beep. "So I should accept his help?" Beep. "Thanks Mr. Jurouo. You've been a great deal of help." I plunged my hand through his full body cast and pulled out his heart, crushing it in my hands, making his monitor stop. I quickly jumped out the window and walked back to my own apartment, beginning to gather all I could. Tonight was the night I was ending all this torment. "I'm coming with you." A male voice states firmly behind me. I turned around to see Genos standing in my doorway with his arms folded. "I'm going to help you and nothing you can say will make me leave." He walks in, grabbing a knife from my hand. "Actually, I could use your help Genos." I whisper. He hugs me. "Of course, but first I need to know why we are doing this." He whispers back. Tears began to fill my eyes as I pull away and sit on the bed. "Yeah..." I began to tell him the story. How I was kidnapped at a young age, how I was held hostage against my will, how I was experimented on until I became this monstrosity and how I was on the hunt to kill all those who hurt me before they hurt anyone else. Throughout the whole story, Genos didn't interrupt or try to stop me. He just listened and nodded his head every so often, telling me he's listening. By the end of it all, I was a sobbing mess. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me in a warm hug. "I must say one thing about your story." He whispers. 'Here it comes...' I think. 'He hates me now...' "You're no monstrosity. You are more human than most people." I was shocked. His words made me cry harder. I just buried my face into his chest and cried. He gently plays with my hair, letting me cry until I had no tears left. It was such an odd feeling, having someone take care of me. I was so used to being alone, it was really nice to have someone who cared. Who helped when I needed it. Once I was done with my tears, he and I began to run towards the old warehouse where Mr. Akio had kept his monsters. On the way, I couldn't help but think back to our kiss. Why had he done it? "Genos?" I ask, not looking at him. "Yeah?" He responds. I could feel his gaze on me. "Why did you kiss me earlier?" He remains silent for a moment before answering. "I already told you, you've become a very close person to me. I would hate to lose you or have you think I hated you." He states. I smile slightly at his words. Now at the end of this, whether I win or lose, I can die happy knowing I had at least one close friend who cared.

Genos and I stop at the edge of the woods surrounding the warehouse. We slowly approached, careful not to alert anyone. I looked into the small window near the door, revealing the mess within the warehouse. Cages were open and bent beyond repair, blood stained the walls and floor, the lights above flickered and cast a dim light of the scene. I glance at Genos, who nodded. We cautiously enter, the familiar smell of monster and human blood filled my nose. Horrible memories began to flood my mind, but I tried to push them out as we walked further into the warehouse. "I don't think anyone is here Genos..." I whisper, looking around. "My scanner shows four life forms, one human, the others are unknown." He whispers back. Four life forms? How is that possible? I sniffed the air, trying to pinpoint any familiar smells, but nothing. I walk out from the path we were hiding on, walking to the center of the room while ignoring Genos' warnings. I look around, now completely in the open. Nothing. I look at Genos and shrug, extremely confused. "Ah, is little Eri confused?" A chilling voice rings through the silence. Mr. Akio smirked down at me from the railings above. "Well, fear not child, for I am here. And, I have a little surprise for you." He snaps his fingers and three ugly monsters appear from nowhere. "Eri!" Genos shouts, running out from his hiding spot. "Oh, it looks like you brought a friend of your own. Sneaky sneaky little girl. When will you learn I am one step ahead of you?" Akio chuckles. I look around the three monsters, who were chuckling and pointing at me. "Where are my manners? These are my other creations I had made while you were gone. They were made from the same monster as you, so you could say they're sort of your half brothers." Genos shout a large fireball at one of the monsters, turning it to a pile of goo. "Most impressive, but not good enough." Akio laughs. The goo from the monster began to reform, recreating it completely. I look at Genos, then Akio. "You take Akio, I'll handle these guys!" I shout at him. He looks at the three monsters, clearly not happy with my plan, but nods and jumps onto the railing to fight Akio. I turn to the three monsters and crack my neck. "Nothing like a family reunion, right boys?" I raise one of the knives I brought. The biggest points to me and laughs. "You plan to kill us with that tiny blade. We have restoration abilities far beyond your imagination girl!" He shouts, landing a solid blow to my arm, tearing it off. I cry out and fall over, blood spilling from the wound. "You forget..." I sigh, earning a confused look from him. "We're from the same monster." I stand up, my arm already regrown. "So we both have restoration abilities." "How dare you live?!" The second largest shouts, hitting me again. I dodged and logged my knife into his arm, causing him to cry out. I took the opportunity to rip off one of his legs. He falls over as the largest charges at me. I jump up and land on his back, shooting my hand through him and crushing his heart. Minutes of our fight went by and my monster instincts began to kick in. I smile wickedly. Unlike my fight with Genos, I didn't have to hold back with these guys. After a few more minutes of fighting, I noticed something. Every time I hurt them, their restoration slowed down by a few seconds. If I killed them enough times, they won't be able to come back. The smallest one lands a solid blow to my back, causing me to go through the wall. I stand up and pant, my energy at its limit. I could never fight something for more than a few hours before I completely collapsed from exhaustion. Genos falls over the railing after Akio lands a good hit to his chest, leaving a dent in his machinery. He looks up at me, pretty beaten up himself. The three monsters begin to walk closer. I look down at him. "They can be killed, you just have to wear out their restoration abilities." I state, trying to catch my breath. "Switch?" I ask. He nods and quickly stands up. I jump onto the railing, noticing there wasn't a scratch on Akio. He smirks wickedly at me. "My dear girl, what's wrong? Can't take down three measly monsters?" He chuckles. "I could at any moment, with this." He pulls out a syringe filled will a glowing blue substance. "What... What is that?" I ask, holding up my fists. "It's what's going to make you human again. It will completely cancel out your monster abilities, turning you back to a regular 18 year old girl. And due to your wounds, you'll hopefully die." He chuckles, putting it back into his pocket. "Of course, I'll have to wear you down in order to inject you." He charges first, catching me off guard. His blow caused us both to fly off the railing, making him land on top of me. "Thanks for cushioning the blow." He smirks down at me, pulling out the syringe. More memories began to fill my mind. Being forced down onto a dissection table, many knives slicing into my skin, syringes poking into my bloodstream. He hits my side with his cane roughly, causing me to whence. I tried to force him off me, but he had a good grip. I wasn't sure why, but I couldn't use my strength to get him off. It was because of my fear of him. All those years being tortured by him caused my fear to cancel out my strength. He stands up and hits me again with his cane. I cry out, his cane going through my side. As I cried out, I felt a sharp pain in my tongue. He had injected me. My vision began to grow blurry as I push him off and stand up. I struggled to stand, but I held up my fists. I was going to finish this, no doubt about it. "Hm, still standing huh? You really were my greatest creation." I charge at him, grabbing his arms and throwing him onto the ground. "I am not yours." I spit, using his own cane to stab him through his stomach. He stares up at me, his look of surprise glued onto his face. I look over at Genos, noticing the three monsters were replaced with three large piles of goop. I tried to walk over to him only to fall over. The serum was kicking in. "Eri!" Genos cries out, running over to me. He kneels by my side. Have you ever seen a cyborg cry? Let me tell you, it was strange. "We won Genos..." I whisper weakly. "Why aren't you healing?" He asks in a soft voice. "He managed to create a serum that can kill me... He injected it into my mouth... It won't be long till I breathe my last breath." He sits down and gently places my head in his lap. "Don't say that. This is all my fault, I should have helped you more. I'll take you to a hospital. You'll be fine." I could hear the doubt in his voice. I smile warmly, using all of my strength to put my hand on his cheek. "Don't blame yourself. You helped me more than you'll ever know. You saved me from the dark clutches of my own mind. You brought light and love into my world Genos. Don't blame yourself because you can't save me. My wounds are too great and I've lost too much blood. But it's ok. All that matters is... We... Won..." Those were my last words as the world around me slowly faded into black.

Monster: Genos X My OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora