Chapter 6: A Friend

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I let out a soft moan as I slowly open my eyes, looking around a room I didn't recognize. I slowly sit up, my hand on my head. My brain felt like it was pounding against my skull, trying to break free. "Oi, are you awake?" An unfamiliar male voice says. I quickly stand up, holding my arms in front of me in a defensive stance. "Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." I looked down to see a man in his blue and white striped pajamas laying on the ground, looking up at me. It took me a moment to realize he kinda looked like an egg because his head was completely bald. "You've been asleep for a few days." He states, turning back to the TV, which was playing the news. "I... What? Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" I began to panic slightly, fearing I had been kidnapped again. "My name is Saitama. My disciple, Genos, brought you here after you apparently passed out during your bout." I just stood there shocked. I opened my mouth to as where Genos was, but stopped when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. "Good to see you walking around again Eri." Genos states. I quickly turned around and had to suppress laughter. Genos stood in front of me, wearing a bright pink apron. "Are you alright?" Genos asks, tilting his head slightly. "Yes... I'm fine." I say, trying not to burst into laughter. "Well, you two have fun. King asked me over for video games." Saitama states, standing up. He goes into a room and comes back out dressed. "I'll be back in a few hours." He walks out. Genos turns to me and takes off his apron. "You... didn't attempt to kill me?" I ask, now feeling safer to talk about it. "Why would I have? As far as I know, you have done nothing wrong." Genos replies, folding the apron up. "What exactly... happened?" "Well, I'm not too sure myself. You attacked me in fear of me telling people your secret, and then suddenly you grabbed your stomach and passed out. I then brought you here, laid you down on the couch and checked where you had grabbed, but there were no marks." He finally looks at me. "If you are comfortable with me asking, were you born a half monster?" I went to explain to him what happened to me, but decided against it. "Sorry, no. I'm not comfortable with you asking." I whisper, shaking my head. He nods."I understand. You were asleep for three days. You must be thirsty." He states, walking into the kitchen to grab me a glass of water. I stood there for a moment before feeling that same sharp pain in my side, but I didn't pass out this time. I bent over, spots beginning to form over my vision. "Genos!" I shout. He comes running out of the kitchen. "What? What's wrong?" He asks. "Where's your bathroom?" He points down the hall and I rush into the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet. Genos stays in the doorway, watching me. "Are you alright?" He asks. "I... Need... Food." I growl, my eyes shifting to red. "What do you want? I can..." "No Genos... I need monster organs." I tell him, standing up. He tilts his head slightly. "What?" "In order to suppress my monster side, I need to eat the organs of monsters or I..." I fall silent. "I understand. I will help you." He states. I look at him surprised. "Just stay here. I'll be back shortly." He begins to walk out. I go to chase after him, to tell him to stop, but the moment I stood up, I fall back over and throw up again. If he didn't get home soon... I'd have another incident. After about 45 minutes, Genos comes back, holding a large kidney and heart. "Will this be enough?" I was shocked. He actually went to do what he said he would. I simply nod in response, being mere moments from losing control. He gently places the heart in front of me and I immediately attack it. After I finish both organs and clean up the blood from my face, I walk out of the bathroom. "Thank you Genos." I whisper. "What would have happened if I didn't get here in time?" He asks softly. "I would have hunted humans... I've done it once before when I didn't get food in time... I was hunting... And I unfortunately ran into a wedding. I don't remember what happened next exactly, but I still remember the screams... The terrified looks of mothers trying to protect their children..." He stays silent, the tension in the air growing. "I should get going. I have something I need to take care of." I whisper. "Wait, please. I want to get to know you better." He states as I walk out of the apartment. "I'm sorry Genos, but it would be best if we went our separate ways." I tear up, being hurt by my own words. The last thing I wanted to do was to leave him, but it was for the best. "Goodbye Genos." I whisper, running back to my own apartment.

I slowly walk into my room, everything in the same place as when I left. "Why did you run?" Genos asks, lingering in the doorway. I wasn't surprised to hear his voice. He had followed me from his apartment. "I told you, I have things I need to take care of." I whisper. "Yes, but I wished for you to stay." I smile slightly but hide it as I turn to him. "Genos, I'm glad you don't judge me for being who I am, but I've done horrible things. If we really wanted to be friends, society wouldn't allow it." He slowly walked in at this point, looking around the old dusty room. His eyes stopped at the pictures of the scientists. He couldn't recognize them because of the x's, but he was clearly suspicious. "Well, perhaps if you did something to make up for what you did. You could join the hero association and fight monsters. Or you could hunt the Slasher. They have killed many innocent people in the last three months." He explains, turning around to walk out. "I hope to see you again Eri." He whispers, closing the door behind him. I slowly pull off a picture of one of the scientists. 'The Slasher huh?' I think, staring down at the picture. 'So that's what they're calling me.'

Monster: Genos X My OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang