Chapter 7: Is This Love?

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A/N: That picture is so cute!!

I grab my clean off my knife with a black rag. I just finished killing Mrs. Akari and, just as I had thought, she proudly accepted her death. She didn't fight back, answered all the questions I asked and didn't have the slightest bit of fear on her. Though, she did say I would get what was coming to me. I wasn't sure what she meant, but she was a very religious woman and was probably talking about God's justice or some crap like that. I, of course, took any form of money I could get my hands on after I had killed her. I softly hum as I grab my bag and walk out. I did manage to find out Mr. Jurouo lived very close to Mrs. Akari. He was the last one I had to kill before I went after Mr. Akio. I wasn't going to lie, I was nervous. This man had made me live in fear my whole life, and I was still scared of him to this day and will probably be scared of him till the day I die. I walked out of Mrs. Akari's house, glancing in the direction of Mr. Jurouo. Maybe I should just go after him. Just get him out of the way. Then I can prepare for Mr. Akio. I glanced around the quiet streets before walking up to the apartment. I didn't notice that someone had seen me with Mrs. Akari or that they were calling the hero association.

"I want answers damn it!" Sitch shouts, banging his hand on the table. "Some of the best scientists in the world are dying and there are no traces of the killer! We haven't had this much trouble catching a villain since the Hero Hunter, who is still missing to all those hunting him!" He scans over the few faces of the heroes who answered the emergency call sent out. It was mostly class C and B heroes, but there were a few class A and a single class S hero. Sitch shakes his head and opens his mouth to yell some more when one of the association members comes running in. "Sir! We just got a call! A woman claims she's spotted a suspicious character in a black, hooded cape who matches the description of the Slasher!" Sitch widens his eyes. "I'll go! He has slipped through my fingers too many times!" The class B hero, Death Gatling, shouts, standing. "He has slipped through your fingers over 15 times Gatling! Sit down!" Sitch shouts. Now looking a bit sheepish, Gatling slowly sat back down with the other heroes. "We need to end this before more of our top scientists get hurt. I'm sending the only class S hero who bothered to show up. Genos." The blond cyborg looks up, staring directly into Sitch's eyes. "I'm counting on you to catch this villain, whoever he may be. I want him killed with no second thoughts or hesitation." "Understood." Genos states, standing up. "They will not survive to kill another." He states, walking out.

Mr. Jurouo watched in horror as I slaughtered his last bodyguard. I look down at him, my face void of any emotion, as I walked closer. "Please! I never wanted to harm you! Akio made me! Spare my life, please!" "You're all the same." I spit. "Always begging for your life, claiming you never wanted to do what you did." I throw one of my blades at him, managing to hit him in his shoulder. "Even if you were forced to do your job, you still hurt me." I throw another, hitting his other shoulder. "I'm merely returning the favor." "Stop, villain." A monotone voice states behind me. I quickly recognized it and froze in a mixture of shock and fear as a wave of relief washed over Junouo's face. "Turn around and prepare to be disintegrated." I slowly turned around, coming face to face with the Demon Cyborg. Well, more like face to chest. He was taller than me. "Remove your hood so I can see your face." Hands shaking, I slowly pulled back my hood, letting my long brown hair fall to my shoulders. His eyes widened in shock. "E-Eri?" He lowers his hand, which was orange from him heating it up to kill me. "Hello Genos..." I whisper. "D-Do you two know each other?" Mr. Jurouo asks, holding his shoulders. I pull out another knife and throw it through his legs, not taking my eyes off Genos. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way." I state, turning my attention back to Jurouo. His eyes were filled with fear and he was shaking tremendously from fear and loss of blood. "Why?" Genos asks softly, walking closer. "I'm afraid I can't answer that right now. Now, if you please, I have a job to finish." I raise another blade up, planning to finish off Jurouo, but I felt a sharp pain in my side. I cry out and look down, a glistening blade logged into my side. Genos held onto the handle, making sure the blade stayed in my side, as he wrapped an arm around me so his hand rested on my cheek. "Please... Forgive me." He whispers, almost sounding in pain, as he twisted the blade, causing me to cry out. I wasn't entirely sure what happened next, but everything went black.

I woke up to the sounds of faint voices. "Her healing speed is phenomenal. Her wound closed almost immediately after you removed the blade from her waist." What sounded like an older man says. "Are you sure she's alright Dr. Kuseno?" I quickly recognized the second voice to be Genos. "She's going to be fine Genos. She's got amazing restoration abilities. I have no fear about her health." I could hear Genos let out a sigh of relief. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room, realizing I'm in a lab. I began to panic slightly, remembering all of the days I spent in a lab. "By the way, where did you find such a pretty girl so injured?" Dr. Kuseno asks. Genos stays silent for a moment before answering. "I was the one who hurt her. She was going to kill one of the scientists who worked for the association, who is now in the city Y hospital because of her. I never wanted to hurt her. That was the last thing I wanted to do. Instead of trying to kill her, I knocked her out and brought her here in hopes they won't find her." Genos explains. I barely listened to what Genos was saying. I wanted... no... had to get out of here. I already spent my entire life in a lab and I'm not about to spend the rest of it in a different one. I quickly stood up, realizing I was in a hospital like gown and my side was bandaged. I ripped off the bandages, my stab wound completely healed. I throw them to the ground and look around the room, trying to figure out a way out, but the only door or window was near where Genos and Dr. Kuseno's voices were coming from. "You talk fondly of this girl Genos." "Yes... I'm going to see her." Genos states. "Be careful Genos, if she is awake, she may be in a state of panic. Or she could still be asleep from the previous events." "I understand doctor." The door knob slowly twisted to the side. I quickly grab a scalpel from the tray next to me and held it up for defence. I wasn't sure what it was, but I always felt safer when I had some form of blade in my hands, even if it was small. The door opens completely, revealing Genos. He stares at me for a moment before turning behind him, where a small, old man with a bowl cut and large nose stood. "She's awake." Genos states. "I can see that Genos. I'll give you two a moment." The old man states. The voice indicated he was Dr. Kuseno. Genos nods as the doctor walked away. He then walked into the room and slowly closed the door. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks. I didn't respond. I pointed the scalpel towards him, shaking slightly. He slowly walked closer to me. I walked backwards, almost tripping a couple of times. I was soon forced into a corner, holding the scalpel in front of me. Once he was close enough, I attempted stabbed him only to have the scalpel bend like a piece of plastic against his metal body. He gently took my wrist and took the scalpel from my hand. "I'm not here to hurt you Eri." He whispers, looking down at me. His hand slowly traveled down from my wrist to my hand. He laced his fingers in mine as he cupped my cheek. My face began to heat up as my heart began to thud against my chest. It felt like butterflies were flying around my stomach as my throat grew tighter slightly. What was this feeling? I didn't have much time to contemplate it as Genos gently pressed his lips against mine.

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