"She was actually thinking of asking you to the wedding," Spencer said with a sigh. "As friends, she said which makes me feel better, but it's still weird."

  "I am damn charming," Henry said proudly which made her roll her eyes. "You just rolled your eyes didn't you?"

  "Guilty," Spencer said as she smirked to herself. "I'm meeting Dave for lunch. We're just down the corner from the Java Bean at that little cafe – Kyle's? I think."

  "Yeah, it used to be The Rose," Henry said. "It changes ownership all the time. I did my first waiting job there. I spilled a glass of wine on someone, and I was fired on my second day."

  "That is impressive," Spencer said.

  "Thank you!" Henry said. "Oh, I gotta go. The professor just got here. Call me right after the Dave... uh, conversation alright? I'll try to come by the Java Bean before I go to work too."

  "Alright," Spencer said as she approached the Java Bean.

  "Bye... uh... beautiful?" Henry asked. "Too cheesy?"

  She grinned as she stopped by the door of the coffee shop. "A bit. Bye babe."

  "See, it sounds nice when you say it! Bye babe!"

  She was blushing as she got into the Java Bean, and she started making the scones while Mandy worked out front. Spencer felt unsure about telling anyone about Henry. She felt kind of embarrassed, but she knew if anyone would understand it would be Mandy. 

  Spencer decided to keep it to herself for a while though, and she worked until noon when she had plans with Dave. She was dreading the conversation that she knew had to happen as she put up her apron, and she smoothed out her slightly frizzy hair to go meet the very sweet man she was about to break up with.

  "Hey!" Dave was waving at her as he walked up the sidewalk from his truck as she walked towards the small cafe. "Were you caught in that terrible storm they were talking about on the news? You should have called me and told me! It sounds awful."

  "It wasn't that bad," Spencer said as he leaned in to kiss her, and she quickly went in for a cheek kiss. "How was your visit to your parent's?"

  "It was kind of boring," Dave said easily; not seeming to notice that she'd dodged his kiss on the lips as he sat down with her at an outdoor table. "My parents just want to stay in and play board games all the time so I never even get to see much of the city when I visit. We should go some week and explore. You've never been right? It seems wrong considering how close we are to it!"

  "I've never had the time," Spencer said with a shrug. "Or the money, I guess."

   "I've been there," Dave said, and she was about to ask him if they could have a serious talk about something when a pretty waitress popped up and asked them if they were ready to order.

   Dave beamed at her. "Yes, I'll have a cheeseburger and an iced tea. Honey?"

  "Um, just water," Spencer said. "I'm not hungry, sorry."

  "Oh, that's alright," Dave said as the waitress wrote down their order. "Thank you, Melissa."

  "Be right up," the waitress said before she headed back into the cute cafe with the pink and black checkered sign.

  "Are you alright?" Dave asked as he reached for her hand, and she resisted pulling away even though that was her instinct. She felt so guilty as she sat there with the sweet person she'd been spending the past month and a half dating.

  "I'm... not..." Spencer admitted, and it was then she gently took her hand back. "We uh... we need to talk."

  Dave looked stunned for a moment. "... You're breaking up with me. Aren't you?"

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