Chapter 14: A Foul Stench

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Lilly's POV

My breaths were even and balanced as my feet lightly touched the ground before going back into the air. The wind ruffled my hair, and my nose breathed in the familiar scent of trees.

I felt free.

My wolf had her chest puffed out as we moved gracefully.

I loved running. The Moon Goddess knows how much I missed it too.

"LILLY!" Liam bellowed from behind me. I winced and slowed my pace to a trot.

I looked behind me and groaned. No one was even close to me. They all seemed so far away, but close enough where you can see them gasping for air.


Why was I the leader for the new recruits? Oh that's right, because I'm too young to order around a bunch of older men.

I stopped completely, and sat on a log. I watched as Liam ushered the young wolves to get closer to where I was. I was mabey a little over two miles away from them.

First a few seventeen year olds who were in my group. I guess they too took advantage of the month of May. They stopped and leaned against the trees or leaning on the knees,catching their breath and trying to slow down their beating hearts.

I tapped my fingers against my thigh impatiently, the fifteen year olds who started their training today, were now making it up the hill slowly.

As soon as they saw me their faces showed relief and a few of them collapsed on the ground.

Jay, a seventeen year old, quickly rushed over to two young Male wolves asking if they were okay.

His response was a weak thumbs up.

Liam finally made up the hill with two female wolves. They both went behind a tree and the only sound was their vomit.

I scrunched up my nose, and stood up making my way to Liam's side.

"They weren't prepared this year." I told him.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, "I see that. I mean we told them too."

I hummed in agreement. This year's bunch was going to have to put in double the effort.

"Well they can't finish the entire run, so I'll find a short cut back to pack grounds." I decided.

"You do that." Liam walked off, attending to a Male wolf who was lying face down in the dirt.

I jogged forward sniffing out the pack, trying to find a path where the smell was stronger.

After many sharp turns a foul, coppery, stench filled my senses. I stopped immediately, my wolf alert.

The smell of death.

I followed it cautiously, listening to any foreign sounds. As I kept walking the stench grew stronger, and I realized that I was nearing our packs border.

I came from the thick brushes of trees to find the grass stained red, the smell strong, and a mauled body.

I felt the sudden urge to throw up, I haven't seen such a scene since I was fifteen.

I put my hand up to my mouth, to ensure I won't throw up and walked closer to the body.

The body was half in and out of our territory, the body was no longer there. Their stomach was ripped out, an arm was a few feet away from them. And the face, oh godess, their face was missing an eye, and their jaw unhinged.

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