"Okay do you want Chick-fil-A?" I ask driving out the parking lot.

"Mhmm yes" she says smiling at me. She's so adorable.

My phone starts ringing and it says Baby Alex. I pick it up and answer.

"Yes Alex?"

Hey uncle Izzy can you bring me food, daddy not here and I don't know where he is

"Have you called him?" I ask

Yes but he didn't answer.

"Alright, me and Niyah are going to Chick-fil-A do you want that?" I ask

Yes please and can you bring Niyah I really wanna see her. Me and her can play together she told me she's a little too

He says giggling

Wait she really told him? Oh wow

"Um yea I'll bring her" I say he giggles some more then hangs up.

"So you wanna go see Alex?" I asked Niyah

"Oooo! Yes yes yes!" She says squealing happily

"Alright alright" I chuckle

"Yay I can see Ally" she says whispering to her self wiggling in her seat.

"But first we gotta get food" I say

She nods

I pull into Chick-fil-A Drive thru and order three ten piece nuggets with three small fries and two chicken sandwich meals

I drive up to the window, pay and now we are one our way to Alex and Kevin's place.

When we get their Niyah is a giggling mess and excited. I get out with the food and Niyah gets out with her bag and two stuffies mumbling something under her breath.

"Hey come here hold my hand" I say holding my hand out. She runs over and holds it as we walk through the parking lot to get to Alex and Kevin's Apartment.

We walk inside the lobby and go to the elevator. I press up and and the elevator opens. I let Niyah on first then I follow behind. I press the floor number they are on and watch Niyah as she shakes excitedly next to me.

I can't believe she told Alex she was a little that was kind of fast. But I wouldn't be surprised if he lead it to the conversation.

The elevator opens and we walk off. I walk to their door and take out my keys. I unlock the door walking in after Niyah. Then I hear a loud ass scream

"NIYAH!!" Alex comes running to Niyah and gives her a big hug. I notice he's only in his onesie with some ankle socks.

"Hey mister go put on some bottom a lady is present" I scold him I walk into the kitchen and get plates. I get two sippy cups for Niyah and Alex. Alex still have some cups with the tag on them so I'll give Niyah one of those.

"Aww man okay" I here Alex run into his room and Niyah comes into the kitchen with me.

"Apple juice or Berry Blast Welches" I ask her looking at her. She looks at me surprise etched on her face and a little nervousness.

"Um apple juice please" she says softly. Alex comes running in with some grey shorts on.

"Okay bestie I'm here" he says smiling at her

I chuckle and make the drink and plates.

"Oh Ally I got this for you, we went to the zoo and bought stuffies. Here this one is yours" Niyah says smiling handing Alex a lion

"Awww thank you NiyNiy" Alex says giggling and hugging her

"Okay guys come eat" I say setting the plates at the table. I sit them next to each other so they can talk and stuff.

I take my food out, then sit Kevin's food in the microwave. I then go sit with them at the table.

I text Kevin letting him know I'm here with Alex and Niyah. He tells me he's on his way back.

I eat my food as I watch Niyah and Alex babble on about random things.

I see Niyah reach for her cup but she hasn't finished her food.

"Uh no miss lady, finish eating" I say looking at her

"But I'm thirsty please just a sip" she says with a little whine

"Fine go ahead. Just a sip" I say watching her. She smiles and takes a sip then puts it back.

"Can I get a sip too" Alex asks

"No" I say sternly

"Why nooot" he asks whining

"Because last time you asked for a sip you ran off with your drink and didn't finish your food. Don't forget you had to sit in time out for almost an hour so stop" I say looking at him. Alex huffs and calls me a butthead. I'm use to it.

"I'm all done Izzy" Niyah says showing me her plate proudly.

"Good girl, give me your plate" I say smiling at her. She hands it to me and then grabs her cup and drink her juice. Adorable.

Alex finally finishes his food and hands me his plate they both run off with Alex leading Niyah to his little room to play.

I smile putting the plates in the dishwasher starting it up. Kevin walks in with bags in his hand.

"Ah went grocery shopping?" I ask

He nods "that lil boy can eat his ass off, he has a bottomless pit" he says huffing I help him put the food up.

"Their both in his room playing, I'm finna go check on them" I say when we finish.

"Alright I'm coming" we walk out the kitchen to Alex room and when we walk in we see Alex and Niyah sleeping surrounded by toys. Niyah had her head on Alex lap while Alex had his on her back. It was so cute.

"I expected this from her. When we first saw her last night. She had that green dinosaur onesie I got Alex a while ago" Kevin says cleaning up around them.

"Yea I seen that too" I say helping. I go over to them and lay them down straight. I get a blanket and put over them.

"Hopefully this one is different" Kevin says

"Hopefully" I say smiling softly turning the light off walking out the room.


Hope you guys liked tell me what you think and don't forget to vote

Later loves

Brown, Hood, KinkyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang