Chapter 4

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It was now Thursday, and that meant tomorrow was party day, and even tho Brett had told me he was interested in a girl, and it made me really wonder why I'm chasing after a straight boy, I was still super geeked to see him at the party, and have a lot of fun with him. 

In English class the groups had to go over their projects they did the previous night. When Brett's name and mine got called I trembled to the front of the classroom, nearly hitting my waist off every desk and slightly tripping. Thank god no one noticed any of it. Doing the project up there was really weird, for the simple fact was we had to compare ourselves to two of the main characters, and there were only two main characters in my book, and they were gay. To a sense in my head I was being outed here, but truly I wasn't. 

At lunch all of my friends and myself were sitting at the table we have always say at for the last four years. "So where are we all meeting tonight?" Laura asked us. 

Laura was a great friend of mine. She was that best friend who would sit there and listen and try to help you. Also she was the oddball of the group. The others and I were popular, and high maintence, while she was popular because of us, she didn't look it. She had shoulder length black hair, she was skinny, but really pale, always wore dark colors. Never did her makeup, had grey eyes, and had glasses. But I liked her because of it. She was fun, especially when she got drunk. 

"I was thinking we could all go to my place, and gather the shit for the party tomorrow." Joey glanced at us eating his good. 

"Okay, we can do that." Isabella stated. 

So with that after school we all found ourselves at Joey's house. His parents were never home. They owned and operated a business in Miami, so they were only up here a few times a month. Ian was putting together all the alcohol, and drink, with food so people could eat and drink. Laura was setting up party games and decorations, Isabella was getting the music ready so there would be background noise, Ian was around doing something and me, well I was doing nothing; I was sitting on the couch thinking about Brett. 

Joey came over and patted my leg. "You going to do anything?" 

I jumped. "I am doing something, I'm giving my opinion on the decoration to Laura." I lied. 

"He is." Laura yelled. Thank god she knew when I was thinking and just wanted to do nothing. 

It was Friday afternoon now, and my friends and I were at Ian's lockers all talking. 

"I think I'm going to get it." Joey stated. 

Then a voice came from outside of my group. 

"Are you still picking me up tonight?" Brett asked me. 

I nodded my head. 

"Of course." I was trying to keep eye contact off of him, if I didn't I would just fall for him more and more. 

"Okay, what time will I see?" He asked me. 

I looked at my phone and thought for a moment. "Around seven." I responded. 

"See you then. Bye guys. Bye Landen." Brett said as he did his farewells. 

We all went home. We had a lot of getting ready for a party. I just stuck to what I wore that day in school, just fixed some things that were wrong. Isabella on the other hand was going all out. She sent me a picture of her and asked what I thought. Honestly she looked good. 

Her hair was straight all the way down to the ends where she curled it. She was wearing her make up that really brought out all of her good facial features. She had a pair of daisy duke shorts on, and a white tank top with some different kind of design. He was wearing a pair of brown leather high heels. She was ready. 

I texted her back and told her she looked good. 

'Do you think Ian will like' She texted back. 

My face smushed up then in disgust. 'Why would you care if he liked it?' I asked over a text. 

'I don't always curious, you know me. Gots to go, ttyl babes.' She texted back. 

I waited until around six thirty, and I was out the door on my way to pick Brett up. 

He got in my car so smoothly and quickly and we were back on the road. It was seveon when we go to Joey's house for the party. By seven thirty people were swarming the house. People were everywhere. In the kitchen, living room, dining room, outside, upstairs, on the stairs. People were playing games, listening to music, smoking and drinking. There was a cloud of smoke throughout the house. It was a pretty good party so far.  

I started playing an intense drinking game with Ian, two other girls, and three other guys. I was usually really good at cards, but before playing this I was playing beer pong, which I always suck at, so I was already half way drunk through this game. We'd keep going around picking our cards, one by one I would fail at the rules, so I had to take a drink. It was all bad. After the game I started stumbling around the house, grabbing more drinks and dancing. Then a couple of the potheads called me over. I brought a whole bottle of Jack Daniels with me, and sat down. They light up a joint and started smoking, so I joined in with them. I'd take a hit off the joint. The taste was so horrid, it made me take a swig of the alcohol.  

By the time I said I was done smoking, we smoked three joints and a bowl. I only had one red cup full of Jack because I drank an awful lot of it. I finished the bottle off, and grabbed a cup of vodka. I finished the cup within two seconds and started looking for Brett.  

I walked up to Joey who was dancing with a girl. I tapped on his shoulder and waited for him to turn around, but never did, he just answered my pat. "What?"  

"Have you seen Brett anywhere?" I asked. 

"No I haven't. He was walking around earlier with a drink." Joey responded.  

I nodded my head and started walking away when something caught my eye. That something was Isabella holding her forehead up to Ian, and it looked like they were about to kiss. I gave them a face of disgust and walked away.  

After ten minutes I quit looking and found my way to one of the bedrooms. I turned the light off, closed the door, and laid down on the bed. I laid there not wanting to sleep, but to get a little bit of my strength back from all the partying. Instantly the door opened and someone walked in. 

"Room, this room is very well taken." I slurred my words.  

But the door didn't open or close again, I just felt the bed sink in a little bit. 

"Hello?" I snobbishly said.  

I felt a finger on my lips. I turned over and sat up in the bed. "Who's there?" I said as I squinted my eyes and looked hard. The light gleaming in from the mood, made out the face perfectly. It was Brett.  

"Brett, you scared me." I slurred some more, but he didn't let me finish my sentence before his lips were touching mine. At first my eyes grew wide, my heart started to race, and those huge butterflies were back. I didn't know what to do. I was completely frozen, until I fully grasped what was happening. That's when I did something I never thought I would, I started to kiss him back.  

Our lips felt like they were supposed to be together. It was like a jigsaw puzzle and I found the missing piece. The kisses were pretty bland until he started to brush his tongue against my lips, and not even thinking I opened my mouth, and let it. That's when the kissing got intense and hot.  

He crawled on top of me, and started kissing me more and more. I moved me hands under his shirt, rubbing his perfectly formed back. My hands were going all over his upper body as we laid there and kissed so passionately. It was like kissing that should never stop, never. Then he started where he would stop kissing for a minute to gather his breath he was so eagerly trying to get back, followed my short kisses where he would lightly bite my bottom lip.  

I heard the door open slightly, then close again. Brett's head shot up and looked around panicked. He got off the bed.  

"Please, don't." I couldn't finish my full sentence before the door shut after he left. "Leave." I breathed sadly.

Ian over there on the side. I picked him because of his tiny little part in this chapter. :D

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