~Monarus Defeat~

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"Where did..they go.."

"This isn good! We must find them and quick!" Monarus Said "guys..I'm going to look around. They might be in this castle somewhere" I Said running up ahead "Icy wait!"

*I need to find them..Runo and Marucho are my best friends..I wouldn't just leave them!*

I looked around the castle, finding them no where. I was upset, I punched the wall in anger "that Klaus..I swear I'm going to get him!" "Calm down Mistress. There clearly not here, we need to look elsewhere" Monarus Said "your right..but there's one room I wanna check" I Said as I headed to Klaus' office. I opened the door seeing tons of Bakugan on the wall.

I took a look at his computer, seeing Preyas on it "I knew it. He wanted Preyas for his collection of Bakugan. Well that's not going to happen"
"Isn't it a big rude to snoop around?" I turn seeing Shun "I was only checking if I was right. And I was, he wanted Preyas for his Collection" I Said staring at the screen.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Shun Asked "I didn't know if it was true. Sorry.."
"Lookie Lookie. If it isn't Icy and Shun" "Komba!"

"I'm here for a rematch Icy!" Komba Said "your on!" "No, not alone. I'll help you" Shun Said as I nodded

"Field Open!"

"Gate Card Set!"

"I'll start things off! Bakugan Brawl! Robotallion Stand!" I Shouted as my Bakugan rose up

"Oh I'm so scared. Bakugan Brawl! El Condor stand!" Komba Said s Condor rose up "Gate Card Open! Triple battle. Your time Shun!" I Said "Bakugan Brawl! Falconeer stand!" Shun Said as his Falconeer rose up

Robotallion and Falconeer:680
El Condor:350

"Ability Active! Blow away!" Komba Said as Falconeer went to a different Gate Card "I'll deal with him later. Your my target Icy! Attack El Condor!" Komba Shouted as El Condor sent Robotallion to the Doom Dimension.

"No! Robotallion!" I Shouted as the portal closed "one down, two to go" Komba Said "you'll pay for that!" Shun Said "let's see if you can defeat this! Gate card set! Bakugan Brawl! Wolftear stand!" I Shouted as Wolftear rose.


"Bakugan Brawl! El Condor stand!" Komba Said "Wolftear, Attribute change! Darkus to Haos!" I Shouted as his changed to Haos "Ability Active! Haos and Ventus combined!"

"Ability Active! Hot Blast!" Komba Shouted
El Condor:350<<<450

"Not going to beat me Komba! Ability Active! Haos Quake!" I Shouted as El condor was defeated "someone's angry today. What happened, did you lose a friend?"

"Shut it! I don't wanna hear it from you!" I Shouted "calm down Icy, let me take this next battle" Shun Said "Alright Shun. Bakugan Brawl! Ventus Bee Striker stand!" Komba Said as Bee striker rose up.

Bee striker:400

"Gate Card Open! Character!"

"Ability Active! Reverse Blow!" Komba Said as Bee striker went back.

"Gate card set! Bakugan Brawl! Monarus stand" Shun Said as Monarus rose up

"Bakugan Brawl! Harpus stand!" Komba Said as Harpus rose up

"Bakugan Brawl! Wolftear stand!" I Shouted as Wolftear rose up in front of Harpus "I'm taking you down mutt!" Harpus Said "Ability Active! Scarlet shadow storm!"


"Ability's Active! Feather storm!"
"You think that's enough! Wolftear, Attack That bird!" I Shouted "Gate Card Open! Character!"


"Say goodbye!" Komba shouted "Ability Active! Scarlet Twister!" Shun Shouted as Wolftear was taken to a different Gate Card "Thank you, Monarus"


"Hey! Stop interfering!" Komba Shouted "Ability Active! Shadow sneak!" I shouted as Wolftear went back to the gate card


"Shadow sneak lets my Wolftear gain 100G's for every Bakugan that was defeated" I Said "Ability Active! Feather storm and Feather Edge!"

"Ability Active! Shadow return! This card lets me end the battle, but Wolftear is defeated but not sent to the doom Dimension." I Said as they both went back "why'd you do that?" Shun asked "I can't risk losing Wolftear..and I have a plan to keep Monarus" I Said setting a gate card down. Komba Set his gate card down as well

"Bakugan Brawl! Monarus stand!" I Shouted as Monarus rose "let's do this Harpus! Bakugan Brawl! Harpus stand!"


"Monarus, let's end this! Ability Active! Icy rain!" I Shouted as Monarus hit Harpus "Ability Active! Feather storm!"


"Alright..time for my plan. Ability Active! Ice storm!" Monarus picked Harpus up, and set her on my gate card "Ability Active! Wind storm- ice sting!" I Shouted as Monarus flew towards Harpus Activating the gate card.

Komba smirked "Ability Active! Feather storm!" Komba Shouted "What?!"

The Gate Card was still Active, but it gave Harpus 50 more G's

"No! He used my card in reverse!" I Shouted "finish her!" Harpus sliced through Monarus opening the Doom portal "Monarus!"
"I'm sorry mistress..I've failed you. But I'll never forget you, goodbye Icy"

As the portal closed, tears fell from my eyes. I saw Shun beat Komba, he walked over to me and brought me into his arms. "She's gone Shun..the Monarus you gave me...is gone!"

"Cmon..let's head back to the others. Dan is probably back" Shun Said as we headed to the main area.


"Hey man. Where'd you run off to?" Dan asked "Not now Dan" Dan saw I wasn't okay "what happened?" He asked "Komba happened. He sent her Monarus to the Doom Dimension" Shun Said "What!"

"Let's head back to the ship and get her in bed. She'll need it" Alice said "I'll take her there Shun" "Thanks Alice. But I can handle it" Shun Said as she smiled.

*I'll get Monarus but for you Icy..I won't let anyone else hurt you*

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