~Darkus Vs Haos~

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"Yes! I'm ranked number three now, so awesome!" "It's because of that battle with Shun." Wolftear said as I nodded "you might be right, I know. Why don't you meet my friends" I Said as I logged into the chat.
"Sup guys!" I Said waving "hey icy, what's shaking?" Dan asked as I smiled "did you check the rankings?" I asked as Runo nodded "can't believe your now number 3, your a really good Brawler" Runo Said as I rubbed my head.

"Well it's not just me, I have my partner here. Say hello to Wolftear" I Said holding him out "hi everyone" "sweet! Hey wolftear, I'm Dan. And this is Drago" "it's nice to meet you, Wolftear" Drago Said "so your the famous Drago, you seem powerful. I hope one day I get to battle you" Wolftear Said "no battling for today remember, you need rest after that last match with Shun"

"What!? You fought Shun...and won!" Marucho Said as I nodded "Yup..that battle wasn't like last time. I wonder if somethings up" I Said as I looked up a little "well whatever is up, I hope you can help him" Alice said "ya! Aren't you two going out?" Julie asked as I blushed "no! Why would you think that Julie!" I shouted.

"That's a shocker. By now, I thought you two were a thing" Dan said "well get your brain checked, me and him are just friends! Besides, he has better things to do then to have a girlfriend" I Said "like what?" Marucho Asked "huh? Like...figuring out a strategy to take his spot back at number 1" I Said as they all nodded "makes sense" Dan said
"Hey! I bet if Icy went up with Masquerade, I bet she'll win and take number 1!" Julie said "that's my goal, I'm going to find Masquerade..and force him to give back out Bakugan" I Said crossing my arms and leaning on my chair.

"That's the spirit! And when you do become number one, let's battle!" Dan Said as I smiled "of course Dan, your on my VIP list of people to battle" I Said "we better head to bed Lady Icy, we need it for tomorrow's class" Wolftear Said as I nodded "I'll talk to you guys later" I said logging off

I then felt the wind pick up "who's there?" I Asked as I looked around, all I saw was a card on my bed "an invite?" I opened the invite and started reading

Invite: a party will be held for the top 10 ranked brawlers, you'll be sent a red invite on the day it is

"This sounds like a trap Wolf, let's keep this just in case" I Said as I headed of to bed


It's been a couple of days since I've had Wolftear, we've been brawling and working as a team. I was so glad I met Wolftear
"So, how've ya been Icy. It's been awhile since we've talked" Shun Said as I nodded "I've been great! Me and Wolftear are a great team!" I Said "hey Skyress, I just wanted to say..sorry for they way I've been acting. Lady icy just had so much potential in her, and so much strength..that I've forgotten that ways of being a true Bakugan" Wolftear Said. "It's alright Wolftear, I've already forgiven you" Skyress Said as I saw Icicle walk in.

"Hey sis, is something the matter?" I Asked as she grabbed my arm "Hey! What are you..." "Icy! Hold on, I'm coming over!" Shun quickly logged off as I turn my head "sis..what's going on, why are you acting so strange?" I Asked as she let go "sis...let's have a battle" she said as my eyes widened. My sister pulled out a strange card I've never seen before

"I don't like this Wolftear..but let's do this" "I'm with you all the way, Lady Icy" I took out my card as I looked at my sister "Bakugan, Field Open!" The world froze around us as the field replaced everything around us.
"Doom Card Set" "Doom Card! Dan told me about that, it sends any defeated Bakugan to the Doom Dimension! Sis...your working with Masquerade" I Said as she set down a Gate Card.

"Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand, Rise Haos Centipoid" Icicle Said as Centipoid rose
"I need you Crom, Bakugan Brawl! Crom Cruach Stand!" I Said as he rose

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