Chapter Fourteen: Can't Fight This Feeling

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The car ride to the studio the next day is spent in relative silence. You can't speak for Taron, but you didn't get much sleep last night. You were tossing and turning thinking about Olivia's words, and also Taron's strange reactions the night before. You saw on the schedule in your email this morning that Lizzie is wanting his head shaved tomorrow, so between that and the big love scene today, you're sure Taron has a lot on his mind as well. You don't really feeling like bringing up either subject at the moment, so nothing much is said at all.

After getting him ready and telling him to "break a leg", you are left alone in the make-up trailer to wait for him to be done with the scene. You consider calling Lisa, but seeing that it's still the middle of the night back home, you decide against it.

After a few hours of being bored out of your mind, you notice that a few of Taron's clothes are hanging on the clothing rack. This is where he usually discards them before getting ready and sometimes forgets to pick them back up. They are mainly short sleeve button down shirts and a few t-shirts. Having nothing else to do, you decide to walk them down to his trailer to put them there so that they can make their way back to his place.

His trailer is only a few yards away, and although you've passed it many times, you've never actually been inside since there's never really been a need. It suddenly occurs to you that it may be locked and you may have made a wasted trip down here, however, upon trying the door, you find it to be unlocked. You step inside and look around. There is a small closet directly to your left, which you open and finding a few hangers, proceed to hang up the shirts. You know you should probably leave now, but the curiosity of looking around a "movie star's" trailer is just too enticing. To your right is a small kitchenette with a mini fridge, microwave and coffee maker. Stepping further inside, you see a tiny living space occupied only by a small couch and chair opposite it. Off to the right of the living area, you can see a bedroom that is just as small with what looks like a standard size bed inside. Must be nice if Taron ever wants to catch a few winks between takes. On the other side of the living area is a bathroom that doesn't look much bigger than the hall closet, and next to that, a little seating area with a counter top and three-way mirror sitting on top. There isn't much else to see so you turn around ready to exit the trailer. As you are opening the door, Taron comes bursting through it and practically runs right into you. You stop just short of slamming into him by bracing your hands against his chest. Your palms land on squishy plush material and you realize that he is wearing a soft fluffy bathrobe that falls to his calves, and nothing else. Well, he does have slides on his feet.

"Oh hey!" He exclaims looking just as surprised to see you as you are of him.

"H-hi", you stammer pretending not to notice he's only wearing a bathrobe. "Done filming already?" You ask.

"No, just came back to get my glasses", he says breezing past you to the counter where the "Elton" glasses are laying. He quickly grabs them, then shuffles back to the door. Then, almost as an afterthought he turns and says, "What are you doing in here?"

"Oh, I just brought some of your shirts back", you say lazily pointing toward the closet door as if that explains everything. He glances in that direction.

"Oh, ok. Well, I gotta get back", he says turning to the door. Then, he whirls back around to face you again. "Actually, I'm glad I ran into you", he says fiddling with the glasses.

"Oh?" You say expectantly.

"Yeah, so you know I'm supposed to have my head shaved tomorrow", he says with a pained expression.

"Yeah, I know", you respond plainly.

"Well, I want YOU to do it", he says, green eyes searching yours.

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