"So you used me, huh?" her voice was calm and cold. My smile disappeared instantly and my heart dropped to my feet.


"You thought it was a good opportunity to one-up my husband, to score more? I bet it was a real disappointment for you that I had any useful information on Patrick. However, I guess I was good enough fuck to keep me for a while, yes? It's not like you didn't take advantage of that too?" Every word she spoke was hitting me right in my chest causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Elizabeth no," I stood up from the chair, wanting to go to her but her angry voice stopped me.

"Tell me the fucking truth Ryan! Did you hire me because I'm Patrick's wife? Did you want to use me or not?" she demanded.

I knew my answer was going to hurt her, but that was the truth.

"I wish I could say I didn't."

She lowered her ice-cold eyes hiding all her emotions from me.

"Elizabeth I'm sorry, but when I saw you at my office asking for a job, I couldn't turn down such an opportunity. Yes, I hired you to get some information on your husband's company, but then you changed everything. I'm glad I hired you, because that gave me opportunity to get to know you,to be with you." I tried to explain, I really needed her to believe me, to know that it was just at the beginning and long forgotten.

She shook her head. "Yeah, like I would ever believe you again. What was I thinking? You're all the same, caring only about your egos and fucking business." She said humorously, more to herself.

"Elizabeth..." I tried to find words good enough to show her how sorry I was, but she interrupted me.

"You make me sick! You made me fall in love with you. And it was just a game for your sick pleasure to upstage Patrick. Your money and business don't worth losing dignity, hurting and using people around."

She made me speechless. All the hurt in her brimming with tears eyes, that I had caused, made me speechless.

She turned around and left, leaving me shocked. Shocked from her confession in her feelings to me. She loved me. My brain cells slowly were starting to function again, when the realization hit me. What have I done? I let her leave!

Just this morning I thought to tell her everything. I wanted to make something to speed the divorce, because I wanted to be with her, for real, official. With no one between us. No need to hide. I wanted to introduce her as my woman. Now, I have to do everything for her to listen to me and to forgive.

I quickly run after her in the hope to catch her before she left, thank god the second elevator was at my floor already. Stepping out from it, I looked around and saw her walking to the entrance door.

"Elizabeth! " I yelled, trying to make her stop, but she pretended like she didn't hear me, walking with her head high and ass swaying, catching all the eyes around her.

I run after her and was just in time to see her sitting in the black Mercedes that I knew too well belong to her husband Patrick Price.

It made all clear now how she found out. I bet he made everything look even worth that it already was, painting me all evil, cunning, treacherous bastard, when he was just the biggest scumbag I knew.

Fucking Patrick

All the rest of the day I thought about Elizabeth. How could I develop feelings for her so quickly? But really, I was doomed the moment I saw her. No way in hell someone wouldn't want her, she was gorgeous and unbelievably sexy.

Then, she turned out to be a very interesting, tender, and caring person. And I liked her. I liked her a lot.

It didn't sit well with me that I hurt her so much. I have to do something.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number after long five beeps she finally answered.

"Liza, please, listen to me," I hurried to speak before she could even say a word. "I am sorry. I promise you it wasn't all the lie between us. Yes, at the beginning I admit, that I wanted to take advantage of you." That was bad, I couldn't find words to explain myself. "But then I liked you...and...and..."

"You're horrible at apologizing, Cambell." This sly voice that interrupted my rant didn't belong to my Elizabeth.

"Why do you answer her phone Patrick? What did you tell her?" I demanded. It was killing me that the moment she was hurt he was there to comfort her.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything. She did her job and now she's back with me."

I stayed silent, trying to catch some sense in what he was saying.

"Oh, you thought that it was you who was using her? Haha, yes, she's very good at what she's doing, convincing. All she had to do was to spread her legs for you to lose your head. I mean, I understand you, those legs and what's between them is mouthwatering, but, seriously, you bought it too easily."

"Patrick" I heard her voice in the background.

"I'm here, love." He laughed and ended the call, leaving me hanging.

What a fuck? Was it true? She made me fall for her just to gain my trust?

I was very talkative after our fuck sessions what was unlike me but that body made me lose my defense. I trusted her too much.

But, all the hurt in her eyes I saw earlier? Could it be an act? Was she that good an actress? Could someone be this conniving and devious? But then again, she was married to Patrick. No surprise she delayed the divorce for so long.

What a sick bitch! Patrick should pat her back for how she played me. An Oscar-worthy act.


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