sweet paris part 2

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This takes place after 5x12.It's also written from Alison's point of view,hope you guys like it:)

and sorry for the grammar mistakes.

I had spent the whole day at the police station.Holbrook seems to be interested in me; he doesn't trust me. I needed to get out of there, all I wanted to do was run away from the big lie that my life had become. There wasn't anything that could relate me to what happened to Mona so he finally let me go.

-Alison...- My dad was behind me.- Are you ok? We should go home,I should go to take the car.

-It's ok dad. I think I prefer to take a walk now.

-Are you sure? It's too late and you must be tired.

-Yes,I'm fine. I really need to take some fresh air.

-Ok then.Call me if you need me sweetheart.

-I will.

He gave a little kiss on the head and then he left.

I didn't know where I was going. I was so involved on my thoughts that I didn't realize where I had gone after a few hours of walking.

Suddenly I stopped. I was in front os Emily's house. She hadn't talked to me in a long time. She probably still thinks that I'm A. I felt like I had betrayed her.

All I wanted to do was call to her door and see her,but I was scared she wouldn't want to see me. After a couple of minutes later I reunited the enough courage to go. When the door bell sounded i thought that was a mistake but I couldn't go back. I had seen her mother in the police station before so she wasn't at home.

Finally Emily opened the door.

-Ali?...What..What are you doing here?- She was so surprised. She was just wearing a tshirt from the Rosewood swimming tea,she loocked beautiful.

I couldn't talk, I  took a deep breath and I enter into the house. I got closer to her  and I kissed her. Emily's lipstick was so sweet ,it tasted like cherry cola. I just had the impulse to bite her under lip.

After our kiss I looked at her, she was looking down biting her lip.

-Why have you done this?.

-I'm sorry,Em. I had such a bad day and I just needed you.

She didn't reply me so I thought she was upset with me.

-I  shouldn't have come.

I turned around ready to leave her house.

-Ali! Wait.- She took my arm in order to stop me from leaving.-This doesn't mean that I forgive you but...would you like to come inside and maybe talk?


I was happy.I knew She wouldn't forgive so soon but at least this was a beggining.

We were sitting next to each other on the couch. No words. Just silence. It was kind of awkward. I felt like I needed to break the silence.

-Look...I know that you and the girls think that I have changed you all and that I have used you. I just need to survive. I can't let A see that I'm weak. I totally understand that you all don't want to live with the mess that my life is. I don't blame you for not trusting me,I kept secrets and I have lied you a lot of time.I'm sorry...It just..nothing feels right anymore and I can't trust anyone. I'm scared.I feel like I'm falling apart...and I..

I felt like I was going to cry.I could feel the tears falling from my eyes.Emily came closer and holded my hands.

-Hey Alison...I'm here.You are not alone.-She took my hair and put it behind my ears.-You are stronger than all of that.

I tried to smile and clean my tears.

-Thank you,Em.You are always so supportive. I like to have you here with me.

-Alison...I...I can't be there for you anymore.

Those words broke my heart

-I know...We are done.

-I'm sorry..I love you but I cannot live with all these lies.I need to live my own life again,away from A and all this mess...and all my problems are related to you somehow...I can't.

-I don't want to lose you Em.You are too important to me.I want to you to be happy...-Her phone started ringing,it was Paige. She took a look to her phone and turned down the call.-...even if it's without me.


-God,I feel so stupid I wish I had realized what I had a long time ago,everything would be easier.

-Yeah..Maybe you should.

-My dad probably will be worried.I should go home.

She came with me to the door.


I gave a her a little goodbye kiss on her lips.

-You will get trought all of this.

-And maybe we can start over again

She gave me a little smile.

-Good night Alison.

I left the house.happier,I had finally talked with her. All I wanted to do was stay there with her all night. Maybe the time will fix this mess...and we can be together,finally.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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