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{Ashton's POV}

Today was finally the day that I could relax and go back home to see my family after the long tour with the lads and One Direction. Don't get me wrong they're all amazing and we are so thankful for all they have given us but I'm so happy to see my family again.

"Hey Ash" i felt Michael pulling on my arm alerting me that the plane must have just landed. I pulled my headphones out and took a look outside the window, and smiled. I was so glad to be back home.

I stepped outside to be greeted by my family all waiting there for me including Harry and Lauren.

I couldn't stop smiling as I ran and gave them both big hugs.
"How are ya ashy, plane didn't cause you too much trouble" my mom said with a huge smile hugging me before pulling back and ruffling my hair.

"No mom, everything is great" I told her smiling equally as huge. I turned to Mikey preparing to say goodbye seeing that he was with his family.
"Bye Mikey, see ya soon buddy love you" I told him hugging him on last time, calum and luke had been long gone because they took an earlier flight last time to get home sooner.
"By ash talk to you soon" he said hugging me back before I pulled away when I felt a sharp pain through my stomach
"Ugh" I mumbled squeezing my eyes in discomfort my stomach had been hurting since the plane ride but I didn't think anything of it.
"Whoa ash you alright you're looking a bit pale" Mikey said looking at me with genuine concern in his usually happy eyes, I looked over to see my mom looking intently too.
"Don't worry guys in fine must be something I ate on the plane. I'm fine." I reassured them slightly annoyed because after the really long flight I'm really tired and jet lagged.

I hopped into the car with my luggage with my mom and rested my head against the cold glass because I was feeling a bit feverish.

"Ash are you sure it's just jet lag you usually aren't sick like this I'm worried" my mom said looking at me with the same worried expression she held at the airport.

I groaned "I'm fine mom I prom-ise" I finished with a stutter because another pain shot through my stomach. I really hope this goes away soon because I just want to be able to enjoy my break with my family and my band. This was not the time to get sick.  T

The car ride ended soon after and I grabbed my suitcase and trudged upstairs avoiding my mom because I knew she could read me like an open book and honestly I just felt worse than before. I went to my room and set my suitcase down and did'nt even bother trying to unpack it. I went straight to bed and pulled my knees up to my chest and fell asleep slightly uncomfortable.


The next day I woke up and my stomach was feeling about the same as when I went to bed mainly just a dull ache at the bottom. Today I was going over to Mikey's house and we were going to have the band over just to chill out because then tomorrow we would go and spend time with our families. I threw on my beanie some jeans and a loose top because I was'nt going to try hard infront of my band members today especially when im not feeling great. I grabbed a hoodie too because for some reason I felt cold even in the warm sydney air. I went downstairs grabbed some toast and made my way outside to walk to Mikeys house. My mum was out with Lauren and Harry so i didnt have to deal with her.

I made it up to Mikey's front porch and before I could knock the door swung open to reveal Mikey standing there in boxers and a green day shirt.

"HEY ASHTON" Mikey sceamed and pulled me inside. I grunted at the fast movement but tried to hide it not wanting to worry mikey further. 

"The lads are already in the basement, we were thinking we could all just chill and watch a movie or talk about whatever." He said smiling as we walked downstairs 

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