Chapter 1 - Tension

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The school hall was jam-packed with spectators. It was the semi-final and your school has never come this far in a competition before against the Canaries.
Before Kim Seungmin, that it is.

He had taken the school by storm, with his basketball skills. The way his feet moved gracefully across the court, before placing the ball in the net with such ease. The way his eyes darted, like a hawk making out the best positions to make a pass or a run for the net. No-one needed to ask, if he was a top basketball player. His performance spoke for itself.

Among the crowd, you could be found cheering the team on alongside Jeongin and Hyunjin. All of you were waving banners in the air and jumping around like a bunch of crazy kangaroos. Although, it couldn't be helped. That's just how you were with Jeongin and Hyunjin. Always acting like a bunch of little crackheads.

However, you must have given off some of your wild energy to the team. They were all zipping across the court like electric bolts, scoring points left, right and centre. You could barely make out the team members Bang Chan, Han, Lee Know, Changbin and Felix ,who looked nothing more like yellow and white blurs.

Time passed quickly, and before you knew it the team was onto the last minute.
Bang Chan swiftly dodged an attacker and passed to Lee Know. Lee Know ran with the ball, before he was cornered on all sides. He threw the ball high in the air, due to the pressure but it soared past the heads of Changbin and Felix.

"A moment to acknowledge, the height struggles of short people" you though to yourself.

Luckily, Seungmin managed to catch the ball in mid-air. He turned around to find the leader of the BlueJays obscuring his view.

Beyond him was the net.


15 seconds to go....

It was either now or never.

Taking in a deep breath, Seungmin threw the ball underneath the opposing team members legs, getting a baffled look in response. Then he scooped the ball back up in his arms, before he leapt into the air slamming the ball into the net.

He looked up at the crowd, getting blank faces in return. Everyone was in utter shock.

An eruption of noise followed afterwards. Cheers and cries could be heard. You, I.N .and Hyunjin were screaming uncontrollably. The whole team had lifted Seungmin up, and put them on his shoulders in celebration, while being attacked with streamers. He was grinning from ear to ear, a complete picture of happiness. (a/n Did I make you heart melt Seungmin stans, because I sure felt warm inside writing this)

Eventually, the team decided to release him. When his shoes touched the floor again, Seungmin ran over to the side of Hee-Young to plant a kiss on her cheek and snake his arm around her waist. The team, you, Jeongin And Hyunjin gathered around the couple.

"We all knew you could do it Seungmin" said Bang Chan placing a hand on Seungmin's back, with proud look on his face
"Yeah, we're proud of you Min" you added
"Well, I had my doubts of course" Han smirked
"Lighten up Han. Now, is the time for celebration not sarcasm.
You need to work on your timing.
I should know" Lee Know replied
"I know. You know. Lee Know" Chan mentioned with a sly smile etched on his face.
It didn't go unnoticed, with Chan earning a punch on his arm from Lee Know
"Hey, learn to appreciate a joke mate" Chan mentioned rubbing his arm in pai

"Alright break it up you two, this is about Seungmin not your childish squabbles " said Hee-Young. The boys nodded in agreement. Seungmin gave Hee-Young's hand a small squeeze, to say thank you. She always managed to establish peace within the group, and iron out any disagreements
"Now that's all settled, who's up for some Garousa-gi to celebrate?" Felix suggested.

The gang nodded in agreement, and everyone started heading out of the court. room. You lingered behind though, tapping your foot on the polished wood. That didn't go unnoticed by Seungmin.

"Y/N, you coming? "asked Seungmin turning back to look at you
"No Seungmin" you responded " I have to run an errand fot my mum, and I need to crack on with that algebra homework lying on my desk." "
Alright then, Y/N. Catch you later" Seungmin replied, going off with the group Hyunjin and Jeongin shot you worried glances, but you shrugged them off. You motioned with your hands for them to go and join the others.

They should go off and have fun, without having to worry themselves about you at all.

Word Count: 783

Author Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is my first ever fan-fic, so please give me feedback. Thank you so much for stumbling upon my fic on Wattpad! It means a lot to me. I hope it put a smile on your faces!

Hopefully, I'll be able to upload the next chapter within a month but time will tell.
Until then, see you later!
Love ya all.

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