Chapter 21 - Submission

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The searing pain in her wrists was the first thing she felt as she slowly opened her eyes. She was still disorientated, and as she began to come round, she realised she was hanging from the roof of a dark room. Her arms where shackled to a chain above her and her feet dangled freely below, she could see a faint light from the corridor outside as the door of the cell lay ajar.

"Oh Niiicaaaaaassius" said the taunting, melodious voice, and she closed her eyes tight again refusing to believe the nightmare she was in.

"open your eyes or i will cut one of them out for you" he whispered his face inches away from hers.

She lifted her eyelids to look at him as he stepped from the shadows of the cell, he began to pace slowly up-and-down twisting a small dagger in his hand, his greeneyes glancing sideways at her as he raised a half smile. If he wasn't so thoroughly evil he would be almost handsome, almost.

"Cat got your tongue?" He said

"What would you like me to talk about, The weather?" She replied hoarsely and sarcastically

"Ahh so spirited, but not for long though my dear" he chuckled

"What do you want with me?" she pleaded

"What I dear. dear.." He bent his knees in sync with the words and he stepped closer "sweet. Nicassius... Is for yoooou" his face was now pressed up against hers and she could feel his hot breath on her skin " want....ME" he said his lips almost touching hers

"That will never happen, so you might as well have your Orc puppet beat me to death and have done with it" she said as calm as she could hoping he could not see her shaking with fear

"Beat you?....Yes. To"!He started pacing again and twisted his head sideways to look at her

"You will feel the pain of a thousand men slain in battle" he began to say as he moved slowly back to her "you will beg me to take that pain away......and you will come willingly" his voice was menacing, and he sucked the air through his teeth as he spoke.

"You're going to torture me into submission? You are insane!" She spat. "Why not just take me anyway, like the scum that you are?"

"But you have to be willing Nicassius" he said in a dulcet tone "by the time I have finished you will be begging me to take you as my wife!"

"Your wife?!" She opened her mouth in shock and let out a half laugh as it was almost laughable "Ha. Never"

"And on our wedding night" he continued "we will consummate our marriage and I will become the man that I was destined to be, free from this undead existence I was cursed with!" His voice became more manic with each word and she widened her eyes unable to believe what she was hearing

"Together we will spawn a new race, my seed will grown inside you" he said swirling his free hand towards her abdomen as she moved on the tips of her toes inching away "and we will join forces with the dark lord, a new and powerful beginning..." the words made her sick to her stomach

"I WOULD RATHER DIE!!" She screeched into his face

He paused pushing out his bottom lip feigning a wounded look, before he pounced forward barring his teeth as he plunged the blade of the knife into the soft skin above her collarbone, she screamed as the pain ran through her, tears running quickly down her face

"Only you can make the pain go away" he whispered softly into her ear as he slowly pulled the dagger back out then he disappeared through the huge iron door that slammed shut behind him, leaving her in total darkness.

She could feel the warm blood trickle down her chest as a wave of dizziness passed over her and she drifted into unconsciousness once again.

She awoke to find she was lying on a soft bed, she tried to sit up but the ache in her shoulder shot through her like a thousand knives, she moved her hand towards the pain to find her wound had been cleaned and dressed. There were soft candles glowing around the edges of the room and as she moved her eyes around from one side to the other she saw him, she saw his evil face and he was sat in a long wooden chair in the corner, calmly watching her.

"Why am I here?" She asked her throat now sore from dryness

He moved towards a table and poured some water from a large metal jug into a smaller goblet. Sitting next to her on the bed he helped her up as he raised the cup to her lips and she drank

"Just a taste of how things could be for you Nicassius" he said stroking his hand down the length of her hair "you don't have to suffer if you don't want to" he said tenderly

"Who are you?" She asked weakly

"My name is Khamûl" he replied

She lay back down into the soft pillow, it was warm and comforting and she just wanted to close her eyes and go back to sleep "Take me back to the cell Khamûl" she whispered

He slowly placed the goblet down on the table beside her and scooped his hands underneath her body lifting her into his arms and he began walking towards the door

"Where are you taking me" she asked

"Back to your cell" he smiled wickedly

She laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her down the winding stone staircase to the dungeon below, the leather faced Orc was waiting outside the dark room and she was thrown down on the cold stone floor inside it.

"Sleep well my dear" her captor said as the door slammed her in once more. Is this how it was going to be she thought, pain and comfort, torture and kindness, until one blended into the other and she could not distinguish between them.

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