Castiel X Reader The Park

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Y/N and your boyfriend Castiel were walking to a park to have a picnic, you mentioned this cool park you saw while driving one day and you really wanted to go because it had a cool playground, the brothers thought you were adorable for acting like such a little kid, you rolled your eyes yes you were 18 but you still were 16 in your heart, Castiel seemed interested so you two made it a date.

You were holding hands and talking and laughing, finally you made it to the park, it was big it was like a Castle well it was called Castle Park, there were swings which was your favorite part of the whole park, there was a merry go round, monkey bars, and the fort was huge, kids could run up and down stairs, there were little hiding spots and bridges and ropes to climb on.

You set down the picnic basket and ran toward the park, "Come on Cas!" You said turning around waiting for him, he took off his trench coat and tie, and laid them down next to the basket and then caught up to you, you laughed and then went to the swings, you sat down on one and then Cas found one next to you, "Ready?" You asked

"How does this work?" Cas said confused

"Watch". You swung your legs up and then bent them down and then repeated until you were swinging very high, Cas then followed and then you two were both swinging, Cas smiled he liked the feeling of it, "Its like I am flying". He said

"Ya it's Awesome! Now the best part!" You yelled you swung higher and higher and then let go, you flew in the air for a second and then dropped down, you landed on your feet but then fell on your butt, "Woohoo!" You laughed, you got up and wiped yourself off, you turned around and then saw Cas jumping off and doing exactly what you did, you smiled and helped him up, "You scared me". Cas said a bit concerned

"Ya sometimes I get scared too but hey wasn't it fun?!" You exclaimed

"Yes it was very fun". He said smiling and wiping himself off, you two then went to the castle, you went up the stairs, which you barely fit and Cas had to squeeze through, which held up traffic for a few kids but he made it, you and Cas went a cross bridges and then looked at the view, which showed the trees and people walking and kids running around.

You then grabbed his hand and pulled him toward a slide, you went down first, and then motioned him to follow, he tilted his head confused and then followed, you laughed and then started to climb up the slide, "Y/N? What are you doing?" Cas asked

"Come on Cas this is the fun and hard part!" You said trying to grip your shoes and your hands, you then slipped down a little Cas panicked and grabbed your waist, he picked you up "Cas! I am fine I just slipped a little! It happens all the time". You assured him, he set you down, "Lets go try something else please?" He asked a bit worried

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his arm "Okay".

Cas went toward the monkey bars, he watched the kids swinging their arms and grabbing the bar in front of them and then repeating until they reached the end, You then saw a little girl wanting to get on the bars but they were too high, you went toward her "Hey you need some help?" You asked, she nodded you picked her up and the little girl grabbed the bars, you let go but she was just dangling there, "Here". You wrapped your arms around her waist and then she reached her hands toward the other bar, and then you helped her all the way, cheering her on, and then set her down.

"Thank you!" The little girl said smiling then walking away, "Your welcome!" You said smiling back, then you turned and then saw Cas behind you holding a little boy, he was helping him get across the monkey bars too.

"I think we have a line". Cas said

You confused looked behind him and saw about 5 more kids waiting for their turn for you to help them, you smirked "Okay who's next?" You asked

About 15 minutes later you and Cas helped a lot of kids get across the monkey bars, some just needed a boost and then they did the rest themselves, then a kid mentioned that you and Cas should join them in a game of Hide and seek tag, of course you had the little boy explain how to play to Cas for he was again confused.

"So I count to a certain number, and all of you hide, then when I am done, I try to find you and when I do, I chase you down until I catch you and then it is your turn?" Asked Cas

The little boy seemed frightened as well as you then you patted Cas on the shoulder "Yup but just do it nicely and not so creepy?"


You hid behind a tree and then peaked and saw Cas looking and looking then he found a few kids and chased them, the kids screamed happily and Cas laughed as he grabbed one and then put him down but then the kid tagged him back and then ran

"Hey!" Cas yelled

You covered your mouth you tried to stop laughing, but then Cas looked your way "Oh shoot!" You said

But before you could sprint Cas was right there and he tackled you to the ground, "Got you! You are now tagged". Castiel exclaimed

You looked and saw the kids chasing each other and then running toward their mothers who were calling them, Cas got up and picked you up, you hugged him and looked at his beautiful blue eyes, Cas looked at you and then leaned in, you pulled away and then looked and saw kids looking at you guys, you snorted then grabbed Castiel's hand and then went toward your picnic basket.

You and Cas ate sandwiches, chips, cupcakes, and you brought your favorite soda, and insisted that Cas bring a soda instead of a beer, he agreed.

Soon the park was quiet and you and Cas finished the picnic and cleaned up and now you and him were just laying down on the picnic blanket, he was playing with your hair, while you snuggled with his trench coat, " Your great with kids". You said breaking the silence

"And you are too Y/N, you are great with children".

You sat up and looked at him then combed your fingers through his soft hair, "I hope I have children one day that is if I don't die".

Cas sat up and grabbed your hand "Y/N I will protect you and I will make sure you will have a family one day".

You smiled and then blushed "And will I have a family with you?"

"I want too but..."

"We can adopt, you know we can have like 10 kids running around driving my brothers crazy". You chuckled

"That's a great idea, but before we can have kids running around, we will have to be married first". Cas said smiling

You smiled "Oh really?"

"Yes". He said smiling back as he leaned in for a kiss

"Castiel are you proposing to me?"


"You sly dog". You said as you two kissed and then pulled away laying back down on the picnic blanket and looking at the clouds.

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