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author's note: this fic was originally a short drabble that i wrote last year. please enjoy the updated, expanded version.


They're going at it rough and fast, hot as fire, when Kihyun yells it out so suddenly, and in the silent, somewhat awkward seconds that follow, Hoseok thinks that maybe he had just imagined it, maybe he's just hearing things. Wishful thinking, yes, that must have been it, because there's no way that he just heard what he thinks that he just heard. There's no way on Earth that Kihyun just—

It's the middle of the afternoon, but the curtains to the hotel room are closed tight, blocking out the bright sunlight from outside, and it makes the room feel timeless. Hoseok's got Kihyun bent over the edge of the hotel bed, Kihyun's pants and underwear dropped around his ankles, Kihyun face-down on the mattress with his flushed cheek and his chest and stomach pressed down into the comforter, Kihyun still clinging tightly onto the sheets around him from just moments ago when Hoseok was fucking him from behind at an unrelenting pace, so brutal but so good, exactly what Kihyun had wanted, exactly what Kihyun had needed at a time like this, Hoseok still fully clothed behind him with just his pants unzipped and his underwear pushed out of the way to free his cock.

Hoseok slows down what he's doing as his mind returns to his body, burning hot and flushed, charged with electricity, with their passion, and the heat cools to a pleasantly warm simmer as it sinks in slowly, what just happened, the cool, dry air of the hotel room whispering over Hoseok's skin coated in sweat. He gradually ceases his movements on top of Kihyun, slowly ceases his deep, powerful thrusts into Kihyun's tight little body, Hoseok's hands softening their iron grip on Kihyun's hips, from bruising to cradling, the mattress and bed frame beneath them that had been creaking loudly from their movement falling to gentle silence.

Kihyun's eyes flicker open as he whines wordlessly in protest at Hoseok's sudden pause, because Kihyun had made it very clear that he didn't want any of Hoseok's usual softness, any of Hoseok's usual affection today. Today, Kihyun wanted it fast and hard and rough, that's what he had told Hoseok, that he was desperate to clear his head and to relieve some of the stress so tensely bundled inside of him that the only way to soothe it was for Hoseok to fuck it out of him with all of those stupid muscles of his. Those had been Kihyun's exact words, slurred out in a haze not even five minutes ago when they had started.

They hadn't done much in the way of foreplay, not like they usually do, today just a few messy kisses shared before Kihyun was throwing himself eagerly down onto the bed and Hoseok was pulling Kihyun's clothes down and out of the way to get to his bare ass, already prepped from Kihyun playing with himself earlier that morning in anticipation of their wild little tryst. They just didn't have the time today to take things slow, to be soft and sweet and romantic the way that they usually are, the way that defines them.

They're due back down in the lobby in about twenty minutes to leave for another schedule, and there's just not enough time to be romantic, to get naked and to touch each other, to really indulge in each other the way that they'd really want to if they had the choice, but there is just enough time for this, to revive each other, to bring each other back to life from the brink of exhaustion in the most gratifying of ways, to get some much-needed relief and release.

Kihyun squirms around on the bed beneath Hoseok, whining, drenched in sweat, his skin so hot that Hoseok can feel it radiating off of him, the heat, the physical need, and Hoseok understands Kihyun's noises to mean why the hell did you stop? and Hoseok grins to himself, squeezes Kihyun's bruised hips with fondness, running his thumbs tenderly over the small of Kihyun's back, Hoseok's cock still buried to the hilt in Kihyun's ass.

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