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author's note:  this fic was originally a shorter one-shot that i wrote years ago. please enjoy the updated, expanded version.


Hoseok feels like he's floating in a beautiful, rosy dream. He feels like everything has been blurred and softened, warm and gentle, the world reduced down to touch and temperature, to the softness of skin and the heat of passion, a heat that isn't smothering or suffocating but safe and strong, the hard lines and edges of reality smoothed down to curves and everything light as air despite the heaviness of the air itself, heavy with moans and quick breaths cloaked in high-pitched gasps spilling from Kihyun's throat and the deep, low rumbles brimming in Hoseok's chest.

Hoseok is so far gone at this point that it takes a few moments for him to fully process the words that were just spoken to him by Kihyun, the words quietly gasped out in a string of whimpers, and as the words come to clarity, the full weight hitting and dropping down to the back of Hoseok's stomach and spreading out through his core and racing up his spine in a jolt of electricity, Hoseok blinks, focusing his vision to the eyes beneath his, bright and clear eyes, sparkling with joy and anticipation and a million other things. Beautiful eyes, open and vulnerable in a way that Hoseok has never seen them before.

"What did you just say?" Hoseok asks Kihyun, Hoseok's eyebrows raised in disbelief, his forehead damp with sweat, Kihyun's eyes shaking and shining so brilliantly, growing wet, glinting cinnamon and copper in the low light and glazed over in the same kind of trance that Hoseok finds himself in and offset by the deep color of his flushed cheeks and pouty lips, open and panting.

The dorm is empty save for the two of them, the other members having gone out for a movie while Kihyun and Hoseok stayed behind. "To rest," Hoseok had claimed, "and to work on a new song." It was pretty clear that nobody bought that excuse for even a moment, but as always, nobody pushed the subject, and for that, Hoseok is thankful, thankful that they could at least pretend that this thing between him and Kihyun was still only their's. It's safer that way, to keep it locked tight between the two of them only, always simmering under their skin even when it shows on their faces and in the way they're always together even when they're apart, in the way that they always only have eyes for each other even when surrounded by an entire world of onlookers.

And so naturally, with opportunities for them to be alone together being so rare, they had both seen it for what it was, the opportunity, and had agreed without even having to say a word to stay behind that night, and from there, one thing had led to another...and another...

And now, as Hoseok lifts his face from where his and Kihyun's foreheads had been pressed together to look down into Kihyun's eyes, Kihyun lies completely naked beneath Hoseok, the deep flush now spread from Kihyun's face to his chest, small and perfect like a lovingly-crafted porcelain doll, a light sheen of sweat coating Kihyun's entire body, a sight so devastatingly beautiful that it puts all of the love songs and poems to shame. It's the most beautiful thing that Hoseok has ever seen, and it's only growing more and more beautiful by the moment, Kihyun growing more beautiful and beautiful by the moment, and Hoseok wonders now if he can even survive this, if his heart will even be able to take it.

Kihyun's eyes meet Hoseok's only for a few short moments before they dart away, looking anywhere but into Hoseok's own, and Kihyun's hands squeeze tight to Hoseok's shoulders, Kihyun's palms tight but hot with nerves, and Kihyun's voice is barely above a murmur as he squirms on the soft sheets beneath him, the soft rustling loud in the hush of a dorm empty but for the two of them, Kihyun's skin glowing in contrast.

"I said..." Kihyun breathes out, voice dropping even softer, "I said I've never..."

Kihyun's voice trails off to silence then, his eyes slipping closed as he swallows hard before looking back to meet Hoseok's eyes, looking so uncertain, and Hoseok's heart pounds hard and heavy like a drumbeat.

the colors of loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें