He stood there at the edge of the hot tub, rivulets of pool water running down his torso and legs, his wet trunks plastered to his muscular thighs, blond hair pushed back from his forehead and dripping onto his shoulders. You thought your mouth might have fallen open, but at this point you weren't really aware.

"Hi," he said, his voice the same deep, resonating tone you had heard so many times in the videos. "Do you mind if I join you?" He asked. "Sorry, I promise I'm not following you on purpose, we just seem to have the same routine," he said, chuckling. He had his hand on the railing by the step but was hesitating to come in, raising an expectant eyebrow at you.

"Oh! Yes of course," you said, waving the question away.

"Thank you," he sighed, stepping into the hot tub and sinking down on the side across from you. He spread his arms over the lip, his hands trailing into the water and relaxed his head back, exhaling heavily. You took a deep breath and tried not to stare at his arms.

After a moment's silence he lifted his head and looked over at you, making you raise your eyes to meet his. You swallowed heavily.

"So," he said, heaving a pleased and relaxed sigh. "What brings you here?" You felt like your tongue was glued to the top of your mouth and you really did not want to tell this man about your comparatively dull job - you weren't a published poet anyway. You took a deep, calming breath.

"Just work, you know," you said with a nervous chuckle.

"Same," he replied, smiling widely at you. His cheeks dimpled with that grin and you felt yourself nearly audibly whimper at just how handsome he was. And it must have wiped every sense from you because the next words fell out of your mouth without conscious thought.

"Really? Are you doing a signing or something?" You asked, leaning forward excitedly. He blinked, a surprised laugh bubbling from his chest.

"What?" He asked as your face reddened with shame when you realized you had exposed yourself. "You...know who I am?" You wanted to hide, you wanted to slip under the water and never come out, but he was moving closer to you across the hot tub, his big hand reaching out to pull your wrist away from your face. "H-hang on," he laughed. "Come on I never meet fans randomly like this, I'm honestly shocked."

You peeked up at him - and up and up - he was huge - to find him just looking at you, his pure, kind expression one of genuine interest.

"Well I've been a fan for a while," you admitted. He was sitting next to you now and the two of you somehow launched into an easy discussion of his work, which led to you talking more about your job, and before you knew it you were laughing and he tilted his head, reaching a dripping hand up out of the water to brush over the side of your cheek. You blinked in surprise and almost flinched away from his soft touch, looking up at him.

"Your dimple is so cute," he said lowly, his voice deep and soft and close - too close to you.

"You're one to talk," you replied, your voice coming out a little shaky. You were looking up at him and he was looking down at you, still within arms reach from where he had touched your face. You were feeling a little lightheaded from being in such hot water for so long, your skin was surely all shriveled and pruny at this point, but when would you ever get another chance like this? You were just about to lean in when he blinked and shook his head.

"I just realized you haven't told me your name," he said. But he didn't pull away, in fact he seemed closer now, and his knee was pressed against yours beneath the surface and you tried to pretend that wasn't sending even more heat through you than the steaming water. 

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