5. Prototype

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You lie on your bed silently contemplating. The others had already settled down in their respective homes, and so far the only Avengers still in the building was your dad and Steve, who was also still here, but it was around this time that he'd usually go back to his apartment. He's probably finishing up sending the report to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Yesterday's mission had been a success, but that didn't mean it never left the back of your head. You will admit, you can't remember every single detail of every mission you went on, but you definitely knew that the mission wasn't supposed to go the way it did.

 You will admit, you can't remember every single detail of every mission you went on, but you definitely knew that the mission wasn't supposed to go the way it did

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"Look who we have here, a baby Stark."

The door slammed itself stuck as a heavily accented voice spoke up.

You turned around and held a neutral stance as you were surrounded by around 40 or so enemies. They all held guns- a few even had knives, strangely enough.

A pit formed in your stomach, all of your senses screaming at you that this was wrong. You didn't remember this happening. You were supposed to get the file and go, no hassles, no fighting, no nada. Nothing.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

But you had to keep face.

"I think you mean the superior Stark."

Even if you were severely outmatched, especially with a 1-40 ratio, your sarcasm was one of your most successful defense mechanism. They couldn't see it, but you were slightly panicking underneath your helmet. The only thing they could sense was the snarkiness in your voice.

The guy in front- he seems to be the leader of the pack behind him- spits on the floor and holds his gun point blank at your face.

"Let's cut to the chase. Come with us quietly, and we won't hurt you."

You eyed the blinking words in your U.I.

'Thruster Percent: 98...'

You shakingly smiled and raised both of your hands, making the man smile- he seems a bit too happy, maybe he thinks that he actually intimidated you.

Though you were a bit scared, it wasn't because of them per se. You breathed in and out.

You've faced worse. You're only panicking because this wasn't planned for. But you're good on your feet- you've fought worse.

40 guys with guns- which can't even penetrate your armor, though it can damage it- is nothing. Besides, you've fought an overpowered grape with balls for chins and lived, so this shouldn't be that much of a challenge.

You sighed with a regained sense of confidence. He's lowering his gun. He thinks he's won.

"When has that tactic ever work?"

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