3. Off

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While you and Tony had a rough few years together- you as a rebellious and reckless child, and Tony as a neglectful and near deadbeat father-, ever since he became Iron Man he had gotten progressively better and more active in your life; with the help of Pepper and occasionally Happy of course.

And ever since you obtained the suit and mantle of Apex, which you've since changed it to just your name in later years, you two have definitely bonded more. Though, you two did have the occasional rough bumps here and there. But they say that fights only made your relationship stronger.

Tony would even dare say that he practically knew you like the back of his hand, especially since you two share the Stark gene.

But now, he's not really sure about that anymore as he watches your hunched figure scribble incessantly over a journal.

You seemed to not have noticed your father standing in the doorway to your room. You were far too preoccupied with whatever it was that you were writing down to notice, and if you did, you didn't show that you cared.

While this wasn't out of the norm of you to be unaware of your surroundings, it was because you typically had loud music blasting; mainly to annoy your father.

But your room was filled with nothing but your pen scratching against your journal. No music, no TV, no background noise.

That made Tony feel cautious. He could normally tell how you were feeling depending on the genre of music you'd play, but he didn't know what complete silence meant.

Were you angry?

Tony did yell at you a couple of days ago. You had been especially reckless on the last mission and had nearly gotten crushed by a falling building. Though you both knew you kind of deserved it, you were as hard-headed as your father. You didn't take the reprimand well and had a yelling match that led to Steve and Clint dragging you two apart from each other.

Though you normally didn't hold grudges, you still could.

Maybe that explained the silence?

No, Tony knew that wasn't it. If you were angry, you'd have locked the door. But it was wide opened in the first place.

So what was it?

As Tony kept thinking silently, he hadn't noticed you lean back and stretch. You turned around and saw Tony behind you.


Tony snapped out of it and saw you stare at him with wide surprised eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed as you placed your hand on your chest jokingly.

"Dad, don't stand there like a creep- say something why don't ya'!"

Tony smirked and went towards you. He patted you on the back and sat right next to you on your bed.

"Sorry to scare you champ, just thought I'd give you a moment writing in your diary- or diaries, it seems."

You sent him a smile; one without any malice in it, which unnerved Tony a little bit. You swerved a bit in your swivel chair- you must've gotten a new one just now since he doesn't recognize the new color. Did you get a new desk too?

"What's up pops?"

Tony mocked shivered and rubbed his hands.

"It is so cold up here- how do you not get frostbite from this?"

Tony jests, but in reality, he was trying to see how you would respond to him joking around. If you were still moody, you'd scoff and flip him off like usual. If you weren't, you'd joke back at him.

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