Chapter 3 - Pre Hogwarts

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Ara smiled as she woke up, soon enough she'd be waking up in her own dorm at Hogwarts. Dora was still asleep next to her. The brunette sat up and flung her legs over the side of the bed. The brunette stood up and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She pulled on her cousins Quidditch Jersey before walking down to the common room.
"Are you okay?" A boy who appeared to be in second year asked, Ara I turned to face him.
"Yeah, just thinking about what house I'll be in" He smiled at her, she smiled back. He had dark blonde hair and grey eyes.
"Your going to be a new First Year this year?" He asked.
"Yeah, I stayed with my cousin last night, she graduated yesterday. It's her last day" he nodded. Ara smiled again.
"I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory" he smiled back at her.
"I'm Ara Black" unlike many he didn't seem phased by her name.
"Are you Tonks's cousin?" He asked, Ara nodded. He smiled again. "Tonks is nice, she's really good at Quidditch!!" Ara smiled at the compliment.
"Yeah she is"
"Well anyway, see ya round Black" he walked off,presumably to breakfast. Ara sat down on the sofa, it was yellow and black, like the walls. She saw many students walk past, first years, seconds and many sevenths who all seemed to be upset. When Dora came down with her friends she gave Ara a quick hug before they all walked down to the Great Hall. As they walked in Fred and George walked up to Ara. Dora and her friends sat down.
"Can" Fred began.
"We" George continued. Ara guessed they were going to say one word each.
"Something?" Fred finished off their sentence. Ara nodded and the boys began again.
"Ron" George started.
"Likes" Fred continued.
"Right just one of you say it" Ara interrupted.
"Well Ron likes to lie, we know Charlie broke up with Tonks, and apparently you hit him for no reason" Fred said.
"Actually, I hit him because he said Charlie deserved better than Dora"
"Tonks is great! She was my favourite of his girlfriends!" George stated.
"Same brother" Fred continued.
"I did start it though, but all I said was it was his brothers fault Dora was upset"
"That's true, he can't argue with that" Fred states before telling Ara to come sit with him and George, which she did. Ara spent all of breakfast laughing and talking with Fred, George and their friend Lee Jordan. Despite having spent less than 24 hours there, and not even as a student, Ara could tell she was going to enjoy her seven years at Hogwarts.

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