Chapter 4

417 17 3

-Ready to Run-

Business cards. A small square piece of paper printed with one's name, occupation and contact details. A pretty professional and cool thing to have if you ask me. An object that only sophisticated people with their life together have. I sit in my car eyeing down the business card that lays in the cup holder at my side. I can't help but let my mind wonder why Louis had given me his contact information from the night before. I doubt it's his actual phone number, it's probably his management instead. Let's just say it's his agent's number so I don't lose my head over the possibility that Louis gave me his number. Everything is in fact, perfectly fine.

I keep on driving to the airport at a respectable pace. I know I should be focusing on picking up Cameron right now but, I simply can't ignore the elephant in the room. Louis said that he was working on a project? Or rather, 'we' were working on a project? Are there others involved? Does he mean his management team? Was he referencing to the possibility I'd be working with him? Why would he want me working with him? Why am I even in possession of something so many people would die for?! If word gets out someone like me has a One Direction's member potential phone number, I'll never make it out alive.

Should I even call? Of course I have to call, I need to know what on earth he was talking about. What would I even say? Would it be too rash if I were to call the next day? What if I waited a bit? But what if it's a time-sensitive task and I'd only be wasting an opportunity by stalling? I need to stop overthinking this. I turn on the radio to distract my mind from my frantic thoughts. I'm successful in diverting my attention for about the duration of a pop-song until the radio hosts starts talking again.

"Thanks for tuning into our top 30 countdown! A quick bit of news, Louis Tomlinson has just concluded his worldwide solo tour here in town with two sold-out shows!" The radio host announces. I feel my heart quicken its pace. "We've heard many outstanding reviews about the performance with fans scattering to our capital just to catch a glimpse of the previous One Direction member. Rumours are circulating that little Louis isn't the ONLY 1D boy in town! We are still yet to find out who this mystery member is, or if the source is deemed credible." A huge wave of pride washes over me, I can't believe I was able to be part of something so huge. I glance back at the business card beside me and feel my blood pressure rising.

"Celebrating the great success of Louis Tomlinson's solo tour, here is his newly released single-" I turn off the radio before the song begins playing. The point of turning on the radio was to distract me, not think about it even more!


After struggling with freeway exits and parking spaces, I finally arrive at the airport and start walking inside. People of all sorts dot the blindingly white corridors and pathways, most dressed in track pants and comfortable shirts, others in business suits and designer fashion apparel. I check my phone to remind myself of what terminal Cameron told me to meet them at. Terminal 4 baggage claim. I check a nearby sign and realise I'm conveniently not too far. With a perk in my step, I begin heading towards my destination anticipating the arrival of Cameron from their 4-day long holiday. Cameron has been travelling a lot recently, mostly just interstate to visit family and whatnot. They never seem too chatty when they arrive back from a trip, I assume it's because of exhaustion, travelling can be pretty draining when done frequently.

I stand in the middle of a walkway staring at a TV held down from the ceiling. Lists of departed, delayed and arrived planes line the screen with colours of white, green and red. I never got told the number of Cameron's flight, although I believe they should be arriving soon.


After some time, the reflective light from a nearby vending machine catches my attention. I stare at its colourful and tempting contents, it might be a while until I hear anything from Cameron. I take one final glance back up at the TV. It doesn't look like their plane has landed yet. Why not treat yourself? I approach the machine and buy a bag of chips. I watch the product slowly push its way to the front of the machine and fall into the grabbing compartment. As I reach into the machine to grab the bag, a loud group of teenagers appear jogging down from the stairs to baggage claim. Upon closer inspection, I notice their faces decorated with colourful glitters and stickers. Their hair held back with large bows and hairspray makes it difficult to ignore them. Curious, I read the logo imprinted on their matching jackets and realise they're all part of some sort of dance team or cheerleading group perhaps? They must've just come back from competitions or, at least that's the only conclusion I can come to at the moment.

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