"someone's blushing".

A smirk appeared on my face as I began to tease her.

"Elaine, I am going to kill you!"

Next thing I know she began to chase after me and with quick reflexes I was fortunate enough to escape. It gave me even more chances to continue what I began.

" Whos in love?"

I exclaimed, as the whole world deserved to know it.

I ran as I kept my eyes on her unbothered of where I was heading. Suddenly, she stops and a shocked expression appeared on her face.

Ignoring it, thinking it was a plan of hers to trick me I continued to run.

"Elaine Stop! Someone is infront of-"

I bumped into what felt like a wall due to its firmness and landed on the floor bruising my arm but all the pain disappeared as I felt an electric shock run all over my body through my blood.

Elaine! Its your mate

My eyes focus into his in disbelief of my wolf's statement. His eyes were the color of the ocean and the most beautiful ones I have ever seen. His dirty blonde hair neatly put to the side enhancing his facial feature strong and clear. His firm hand wrapped around my waist sending shocks all over my body.

My eyes were locked with his but I could see someone run upto us. Neitherless, I could not take my eyes away from my mate.

"Elaine I am so sorry, are you okay?"

Alydia soft, worried voice rang through my ears.

All of the sudden she stood up in shock but still, I could nog move my eyes away from his. My hand reached upto his shoulder and the shocks ran through me again. I wanted to speak but could not find words to.

Alydia's POV

My eyes traveled back and forth between Michael's and Elaine's confused as they both just looked at each other with shock and

Oh my god !

Did Elaine just find her mate

I stood up shocked but inside, my heart fluttered with undescribable happiness for her.

I hear footsteps coming our way but was too shocked to look away from the lovebirds.

"What happened here?!".

Eugene rush to the scene eyeing Elaine on the floor and noticed the bruise on her arm. Hearing his voice, my head snapped his way but could not find the words to speak with, as he expected me to.

"I asked what happened here?!"

He raised his voice even causing the love birds to break their staring contest and look our way.

"She fell"

"Really? "

He moved closer to me as I took a step back, his tone sounded as if he did not believe me whatsoever.

Micheal realized Eugene did not believe a word I said, so he quickly changed the topic

" Y-your arm, it is bruised"

He said, pointing to Elaine's arm, locking his gaze with her's, again.

Words barely came out as his voice shaked looking at her face.

"It is all right".

Her eyes sparkled and a wide smile appeared on her face. He held her arm and supported her to get up.

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