Would it really

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Would it really be so hard if you believed in yourself for just a second
and stopped doing what everyone else recommended .
Took the time out of your day and not give a single fuck as to what others had to say.
Feeling like a bird locked up in a cage
repeating mistakes because you refuse to turn the page.
Refusing to give yourself a break too focused on old mistakes .
Would it really be that hard to let it all go.
Drop the weights and let yourself grow.
Would it really be that hard to accept it's not always your fault and just drive forward with life like you'll never run out of asphalt.
Would it really be that hard to enjoy your moment in the sun finally relax and let yourself finally have some fun.
Quit searching like life has deeper meaning ,to quit over thinking and just begin living.
To know what it feels like to unclench your jaw and just enjoy the moment with wonderment and awe.
To look up at the sky and accept the fact that in the end we all die.
Would it really be that hard to do?
To quit worrying and copying one another .
To live life like you won't get another.
Would it really be that hard to do to live life and let yourself do you ?

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