"I'm going to shower, then I'll be down and we can head out to her appointment for her injections" I pout and he nods, telling me he'll get her dressed and sorted ready. I head to the shower, washing my body and my hair quickly before getting out and getting changed.

I wear light blue ripped skinny jeans and a white blouse which I tuck into my jeans a bit to make it a bit baggy. I dry my hair and decide to leave it wavy, as I head downstairs i hear jamie singing to Charlotte and grin.

On the breakfast bar is five gifts wrapped in pink sparkly wrapping paper as I walk in, Charlotte is by them in her bouncer seat and there's a mug of coffee beside them. I grin and sit in front of them, looking to Jamie shyly as he glances at me.

"Are these mine?" I giggle and he nods. "Charlotte wrapped them especially for mommy" he says and I grin, kissing her head as she kicks her feet about. I notice she's dressed in a little denim dress with a pink vest underneath.

I open them slowly, the first one is matching night-time cozy hoodies. They're fluffy and brown with 'mommy bear' and 'baby bear' on the back sown in white thread. The hoods have bear ears on too. "Oh my god they're so cute!!" My eyes fill up and I lean over, kissing his cheek. "It probably won't fit her for another few months, just in time for winter" he smiles broadly at me and my heart melts. I place them to one side and open the next. It's a Tiffany & co locket necklace. "Open it" he whispers so I do and I gasp.

One side is a photo of Dulcie and Charlotte on the day she was born and the other side with Jamie and Charlotte from our photoshoot a couple of months ago. I wipe a tear as it rolls down my face, my hand over my mouth. "Thank you.. I'm speechless..." I gaze at him, my eyes full of unshed tears.

The next one is a beautiful lavender smelling bath set with bath crystals, a bath bomb, and scented candle set , then I get a pandora charm that says 'best mom' on it. I grin and open my last one. It's spa day and treatment for two plus a night in the Spa's 5 star hotel. "I thought we could go on one of those couples spa days" he smiles shyly and I grin.

"Or you can take your sister, or mom.. I don't know, maybe you wanted time to yourself" he rambles and I wrap my arms around his neck, linking my lips with his to shut him up. "Sounds perfect!" I grin against his mouth, pulling away. "Right, lets get these injections out the way baby girl" I go over to Charlotte and lift her into my arms, placing her gently into her carrier for the car.

"She's growing out of it so quickly" I pout as I lift her and jamie grabs her bag with her diapers, wipes and bottles in. "I know" he pouts and we head out to the car together.


We're called into Naomi's office and she grins when she sees us. "Hello, come in sit down make yourselves at home" she chuckles and I giggle, sitting on the chair next to Jamie. "How's everything going?" She asks as she scoots over to us on her chair, stroking Charlotte's cheek as she sits in my lap with her back resting against my stomach.

"It's perfect.. her sleeping pattern is getting really good now, she wakes once in the night and most of the time it's the same time. She's smiling more, she loves to try and lift her head and look around." I grin, leaning to kiss her head gently. "Yeah, she's noticing things more isn't she? Like voices, if one of us is talking and walking through a room her head kind of follows" Jamie adds and Naomi grins.

"Great! She looks very healthy, and super happy" she says as Charlotte smiles at her. I smile widely and she goes back to her desk to get the injections. "Just like before, it's just going to be a little pinch for her, there's two more and then that's it for today" she sits back down and strokes Charlotte's hand.

"Just a tiny pinch sweetheart" she murmurs and I hold Charlotte's hand. Naomi distracts her as she does the injections and she doesn't seem phased by them, I grin. "Way better than the first lot" I say just as Charlotte begins to whine softly. Jamie kisses her head "it's okay baby, it's all over now" he says, stroking her hand.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now