She met him he met her

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Tali's pov
I went to the place where I would meet the shadow broker and fist and give them the data but all I met was salarian's and a turian and he asked me a question
Assassin: where is the data
Tali: where is the shadow broker where's fist
Assassin: they will be here soon now about that data
Tali: no deals off
As I tried to Leave but the others stopped me and I knew what was happening they set me up I quickly threw a grenade to hit them and got behind a crate for cover and saw three people came it the ally and knew I need to get out the other way but the turian stoped me and put me on the ground and stepped on my throat and pulled out his pistol and aimed it at my head and as the world begins to fade and I knew this was the end but then I hear the door open and the person who came through shot the turian head and I begin to se again the person pulled the body off me took off there helmet and made sure I was ok
???:hey you ok ma'am
My vision return and I saw a human but a male human he had e/c and h/c and he was handsome and his voice it was sweet and strong and I could hear his voice all day
???:um ma'am you ok
Tali: oh um yes I am now
???:ok well I'm y/n and you are
Tali:oh I'm tali and thank you for saving me
Y/n:oh don't thank me thank them
Tali gets up and looks over to see another turian and a Krogan and a human girl tali looked at her and in her head she said she looks like a no good sl before she finished you said
Y/n:this is wrex garrus and my sister Alex shepherd
Alex:nice to meet you tali
Tali:oh well it's nice to meet you to (in head oh thank god she was his sister but y/n oh he is mine and if anyone stands in my way they will be punished) (time skip because this is my first story) a bored the Normandy
Y/n:hey Sis thanks for letting tali stay
Alex:your welcome bro after all anything for your girlfriend
Y/n:what she is not my girlfriend she is just a friend
Alex:oh come on when I said she could come along you were happy and willing to learn about her culture bro just admit it
Y/n:we are just friends nothing more if you need me I'm going to bed
You go to the crew quarters and go to bed before you fall asleep you think about what your sister said do I love tali before you could think you fell asleep.

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