Mysterios contract

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You wake up in your bed you look to your left to see tali laying there with a hand on your chest you start to remove the blanket when you see you don't have a shirt on you remember that you told her you would do anything and this must be it you get up and get dressed you head up to the cafeteria and got a cup of coffee to wake up you see Ashley and decide to go talk to her

Y/n: hey ash
Ashley: hey y/n how it going
Y/n: good so far you
Ashley: good I wanted to ask you a question?
Y/n: what is it?
Ashley: well I wanted to know...
You see her struggling to get that last word out
Ashley: ifyouwoludliketogoonadate
She said it so fast you couldn't understand but she had a light blush on her face
Y/n: could you slow that down
Ashley:(takes a deep breath) would you like to go on a date
You start to get a blush
Y/n mind:she asked me on a date I don't know what to do should I say no I don't want to hurt her feelings but if I say yes what about tali
Y/n: Ashley I'm flattered but I can't
You see Ashley heart break
Ashley: ohh ok but why?
Y/n: well it's nothing to do with you but it's just I have feelings for you and for another
Ashley: you mean tali
Now your nervous
Y/n: what no
Ashley: y/n i see the way you look are her and talk to her plus Alex told me
Y/n: oh for fuck sakes (sigh) I'm not saying no but also not saying yes I'm saying I just need more time to think ok
Ashley: (sigh) oh ok I'll wait
Alex: hey guys we are going to stop by the citadel so if you want to do something you can

Small time skip
You were wandering around the citadel taking in the view you saw a heavily armed group of mercenary's leavening a room
Y/n: wonder what there up to
You decided to ask them
Y/n: what are yo-
Krogen:can it human
Y/n: dam what got you all riled up
???: because that guy in there scammed us
Y/n: how
???: well we were hired to find a artifact they wanted but they never gave us a discretion so the ones we grabbed weren't it
Y/n: I see so why don't you just go back
???: one the place was automated robots keep coming no end in sight and two there were 12 of us 4 krogen not worth it
They walk away you walk to the door they came from and knocked on it
?????:who are you
Y/n: I'm private y/n of the Normandy here to check out this job you have
There was a pause then the door opened
?????: come in
You enter to see heavily armed guards that wore black armor with red visors and they all seem to be human the ones covers head to toe with this armor were harder to figure out you walked through the hall way to a room
Y/n: why are these rooms so dark
?????: hallo you must be the new merk
Y/n: no I'm from the Normandy it's th-
?????: the fastes stealth ship in this galaxy and is under control from humans first specter your sister Alex I also know you grew up on the colony's and are a soul survivor
Y/n: how the hell
?????: we have been keeping a eye on you for a while now
Y/n: creepy
?????: now as for the job it's simply a search and retrieve mission from Zion you'll find it can't be hard to miss
Y/n: yeah those merchs will say other wise
?????: they were incompetent and just grabbed what they saw and didn't think
Y/n: if you have all these men than why send merchs
?????: I did I sent men I sent my own bits I even sent repair robots to get it none work merchs go in some come back and none with what I want besides if you do get it you will be Handsomely rewarded
Y/n: doesn't sound worth it
?????: titanium lithium gold and element zero a mixture like that would theoretically make a metal that is nearly indestructible but it couldn't be done because two things of mater can't occupy the same space
Y/n: some thing tells me
He pulls out a bar of metal and places on the table he snaps his fingers and a man comes over with a plasma cuter can cut through anything it activates it to cut the metal you look away from how bright it is and when it ends you look to see the metal is still in one piece
?????: and there are three crates of it to the one who brings me it and if in one piece a bonus of the recipe do we have a deal
You start to think of it the metal that was impossible right here
Y/n: I want to accept but as you know that's not my discussion
?????: than tell your sister this and let her decide but that is our time you must go
You get up and walk away to the exit after you leave the door close as you were walking to the Normandy you saw someone around a corner you slowly make your way there and you prepare to pull out your gun you go around
????: AHH
Y/n: wh- wait tali what are you doing
Tali: I saw you go into that place so I wanted to find out what is going on I was worried
Y/n: tali you don't have to be worried I'm fine it was just a job offer
Tail: oh
You and tali head to the Normandy
Y/n mind: wonder if this is a good idea it was sketchy as hell
Time skip

Alex: so what you are saying is you found this contract and know nothing about besides where it is
Y/n: yes
Alex: what's the reward
Y/n: you won't believe me if I tell you it's a metal that is nearly Indestructible
Alex: do you have proof
Y/n: no beside they tested it right in front of me
Alex: well shit I don't know if it's a good idea we'll think on it
You walk off and go to your bed to see tali there
Tali: oh y/n
Y/n: hey I was just hitting the hay I'm beat
Tali: well I wanted you to ask you some thing
Tali mind: come on ask him
Tali: I w-wanted to ask you t-t-th-that
You look at her with a questioning look
Tali: that if I can sleep with you again
Y/n: ok at this point you don't need to ask you practically a pillow

You realize what you said blushing and you think tali was blushing to
Y/n: n-no I d-don't mea-
Tali: it's fine I know what you meant
And with that embarrassing moment you to lay down
Tali: what did he mean?

Obsessed taliOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora