Music Luvrs Chapter 2

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Nina's POV

Time skip 6 months later

An ordinary Saturday for me and Jess is when we head to our friend Charlie's radio station down town.

Jess and I met Charlie online, he too also created his own Youtube account ,promoting his radio station, and when he saw us doing our covers on the internet, he couldnt wait to meet us.

Ever since than we've grown super close, coming to the station  every Saturday to upload and look for new songs to do.

"Charlie where the hell are my Cream puffs!" Jessie screams running into the room looking like a mad women.

"I have no freaking idea where your stupid puffs are!" Charlie exclaims throwing his hands up in the air, dropping his papers in the process.

Charlie is 2 years older than Jess and I and goes to the American International School of Arts, in his free time he comes and works at the radio station with his buddies; Zack and Blake.He spenda most of his time at the radio station while the rest is at his school. His parents are filthy rich but he never liked them, and so he found a way to fend for himself.

If I was a complete stranger walking down the street and saw Charlie I would literaly be star struck, he's very very cute, with chestnust brown hair that always messy and his deep green eyes are absolutely amazing, he could have any girl that he could ever want, but he prefered to be single.

If I'd never know any better I'd say that Jess had a crush on Charlie, they always playfully flirt with each other and are forever arguing about something, kind of like a married couple and right now is the perfect example.

"Could you guys stop argueing, its just cheese puffs, not a million dollars" Snapping at the both of them while scrolling through Charlie's desktop.

"It freaking cream puffs, cream puffs are my life" Jess says shaking off her binnie and slumping down on the velvet bean bag.

"Oh please, if you keep on eating those your surely gonna get fat" Charlie says smirking in her direction.

Jessie swats a piece of her hair away from her face, looking pissed as ever, "What did you just say" she says, getting up slowly with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"O oh, you might wanna run Charles, she looks really mad" I saw warningly to Charlie.

"I think I might just do that" he says calmly before sprinting down the stairs with a furious Jessie closely following behind.

I shake my head at both of their childish personalitites and follow my eyes to the screen, currently searching Youtube hits.

The Maklane twins pop up on the screen, in all their hotness glory, playing their hit song 'White'.

The Maklane twins are 17 year olds and became famous at a very young age.

They are the cutests and hottest teens in the musical industry today, and Jess and I have a HUGE crush on both of them, I mean who would'nt fall for blue eyes of wonders such as them.

Sam Alexander Maklane is the older twin, and Justin Alexander Maklane is the younger twin, they're identical so you can't really tell the difference.

"OMG, is that the M twins, Oh goddd they are sooooo Hot!" Jess exclaims throwing her hands in the air.

Charlie runs up the stairs, clearly out of breath,

"Oh those dudes, there not that great" he says slumping down on the seat.

Jess and I turn aroud and give him death glares,

" What, they're total assholes" he says nonchalently.

"They are so not!" Jess and I say in unison, looking at each other she punches my arm and screams, "Jinx, you owe me a soda" she says grinning at me widely.

"Whatever" I mutter under my breath.

I get off Charlies swirl chair, and head to the red bean bag.

Charlie than gets up and pushes Jessie of his chair,

"Stop checking out my selfies Jess, I know I'm hot" he says cockily

"Oh please, even the mail mans cuter than you, and he's in his 60's".

"You just dont wanna admit how sexy I am" he says smirking, and glancing in her

"The only person who thinks your sexy, is yourself" Jessie says clearly fuming.

"You guys are so weird" I say smiling cheekily at them.

After a while of hanging out with Jessie and Charlie and their ongoin rambling, there is a familiar ding from Charlie's computer.

Charlie rushes over to his computer while Jess and I giggle and punch each other repeatedly.

" Guys umm I think you should see this" he says.

Jess and I give weird looks at each other, but than head over to Charlie's desk.

"Whats wrong?" Jessie asks

"I just got an email" he says, still staring at his computer screen.

Jess and I glance at each other and suddenly burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Wow is it your first time to get one" I say, while Jess wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Guys, I got an email from the Maklane Twins.

And in that moment Jess and I stop our laughter, and stare at the computer screen.

John Trade:

We want to meet with you, we saw your videos and thought it would be amazing to produce your talent..

John Trade, Maklane twins manager

Please reply back.

We stand in shock for awhile, not really believeing what just happened.

Jess than looks at me and says, "This could change our lives ".

End if chapter 2

Hey everyoneeee, thnx for reading, this is my 2nd story, sooo its probably not that good, but its my first time..

Thnx for reading and commentd and advice is gladly accepted....



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