Chapter 19- Beating Hearts

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     AN- thanks for reading this far! I hope you're enjoying it! I made a little playlist of what I listen to while writing this which is public on Spotify for anyone who wants to listen!

Enjoy the story!

      By the time Gun had finished his story, night had truly fallen, an inky blackness settling over the island like a blanket as he struggled to string together a disconnected series of memories into a narrative.
     Off listened in silence, his arms going around the other man and squeezing him tight to his chest, his hands caressing his back gently.
     "I know, it's like... a lot of baggage." Gun whispered, his face pressed into Off's pectoral, fingers restlessly twisting the tie on his swim trunks.
      "Hey man, listen." Off began, gently grasping the other man's chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting his head upward. "I told you I wouldn't care and I wouldn't judge you no matter what it was, and I mean it. I thought you were forced into prostitution or something to be honest. I don't care if you come with a small bag or a whole luggage set, I want you, and I don't care what happened to you- it won't make me love you any less." Off said fiercely, punctuating the sentence with a kiss on the lips, wrapping him even more into an embrace.
     Gun gasped against him, his heart hammering against his ribs as he surrendered to the embrace, opening his mouth to the other man. He groaned as Off's fingers curled into his hips, thumbs running across bare skin just below his belly button.
     "No wait, not outside." Gun managed to gasp out as Off pushed him up against a tree. With a chuckle and a groan mixed together Off let him go, running his hands through his hair.
     "You're right. Let's head home."

      The rest of the walk was done in relative peace, the two men walking with fingers entwined. Gun felt a strange sort of lightness to him, as though a weight he'd been carrying had been lifted off his shoulders and abandoned. Off knew about his past, knew what sort of fucked up life he'd been living, and he didn't care, wasn't even phased by it it seemed.
    He still loved him knowing he was broken. 
    Loved him.
    With a little smile they walked up toward the house when Off pulled him to a stop.
    "Huh, that's weird." He said.
    "What is?" Gun asked, looking up.
    "The front door is open." Off replied. He suddenly slapped his forehead and let out a little laugh . "Oh fuck, I forgot I told Uncle Pittaya that I'd help him pull out a stump, I bet he was expecting us hours ago. He probably let himself in to get a good seat to ream me out with when we get there."
     "Are you sure?" Gun asked, gripping Off's wrist, his heart picking up pace in his chest as he looked at the door resting slightly ajar. It was probably his own history, but there was something sinister about the darkness within. "And he'd just sit there in the dark?"
     "Oh yeah, everyone lets each other into each other's houses. He probably went in when it was light out and fell asleep. He's done it before the old coot. Lets go, try to smooth this over."

     Jaritna was shopping at the night market, her basket still light of purchases.
      Ooh, some soy sauce braised crabs would be really delicious. I bet little Gun would like those too. She thought to herself as she pulled up to Tavira's stand, smiling broadly at the fellow woman hawking her wares.
     "Sawadee Nong'Tavira." She said, giving a little half waii. "How is your daughter doing with her pregnancy?" She asked, looking over the dishes that she had out for sale. In addition to the crabs there was also some rather delicious looking Kluay Tod as well. That is the sort of thing that's more delicious fresh- I suppose I could stop by the boys place before heading home to give it to them. Make sure Off isn't doing any sort of hanky panky before Gun is healthy enough too.
      "Oh she's doing quite well. It'll be any day now. I actually was wondering if you could manage my stall for the week after she delivers, so I can go take care of her for a few days?"
     "Of course!" Jaritna replied, smiling widely. "As long as you promise to bring the baby by the meet me at some point." Tavira waved her off in assent.
     "How is that sweet boy doing? They haven't been back to the market in a bit."
     "Gun? He's doing quite well. They're still there. Don't worry, I've been feeding him up. Can I get some Kluay Tod wrapped up to go for them?"
    "Of course! No charge for that little sweetheart. He needs to fatten up."
    "Are we talking about Sweet Gun?" Lemon, another auntie who was doing her shopping sidled up to the two women chatting, the three bowing to each other in greeting. "He and Off seem popular this week."
     "What do you mean?" Tavira asked.
     "There are a group of foreign ladies who've adopted them as friends." Jaritna said with a shake of her head. "I tell you, Off might be a good boy, but I know men, and if he does anything to hurt Gun..." She trailed off, miming a slap. The two ladies laughed in reply.
     "Oh no, I meant Off's coworkers. They came in off the ship today, said they were going to go surprise the two of them, and asked for directions to their house."
     "Coworkers?" Jaritna asked.
     "Indeed, a group of men around their age, and one a little older. I assumed he was the boss. I told them how to get to the house earlier today. Hopefully it's a good surprise. They definitely didn't look beach ready, they were all wearing suits. He must work in a posh office."
     "Huh, well I'd better get extra food if there's going to be extra men there." Jaritna said, gesturing at Tavira to load up extra in the bag, handing her a handful of bhat.
     "Say hi for me!" Lemon said, and Tavira gave a wave as Jaritna left the two women to chat with each other.
      Huh, the only coworker that Off ever mentioned to me was a ladyboy. They didn't seem to have included him. That's odd. Jaritna thought to herself, fishing out a piece of kluay tod to snack on as she walked back up the hill to their house.

        Gun's heart seemed to be wanting to leap out of his chest as they approached the house. It felt wrong, his instincts were screaming at him.
     "Off, are you sure-" He was cut off as Off flung the door open.
     "There you are you punk!" A voice yelled out from the side of the house as Uncle Pittaya marched over, waving his fist from the opposite yard.
      Everything happened in a flash, a hand reaching out from the darkness, grabbing Off by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the doorframe, dropping him on the deck. Uncle Pittaya let out a yell of indignation, and a man stepped out onto the deck, gun in hand, looking dispassionately at Uncle Pittaya before pulling the trigger. A shrill scream split the air, and Gun realized belatedly that it had emerged from his own throat as Uncle Pittaya fell, grasping the side of his chest and collapsing face down on the dirt path between their houses.
       Off groaned on the ground, shaking his head as he struggled to grab the ankle of the man holding the gun only to be fiercely kicked in the face, his head knocking against the doorframe again.
      "No!" Gun screamed, wanting to rush forward, but his body was frozen.
      "Run.... Run!" Off gasped, still awake, blood gushing out of his nose and mouth as he struggled to crawl forward, his hands still scrabbling to grip the pant leg of the man who'd kicked him. The thug lifted his foot as though to kick Off again, only for a second man to come out and hold his elbow, staying his violence.
      "You're a hard man to find Gun." Gaves said, crossing his arms and smiling unkindly in his direction.
      "Gun..." Off wheezed. "Listen to me and... RUN!" He screamed the last word with a rough edge, straining through his pain. His command spurred Gun into action, his body working before his brain could protest, and he ran.

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