Chapter 1: Clio Benson

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After the events of Iron Man 1, Year 2010, February 8th
The covers are pulled up over my head excepting a tiny peek hole. My eyes stay on the red, digital alarm clock numbers. They read 6:28. She will be in here soon. Staying in bed will most likely win me a punishment, but I don't want to get up until I absolutely have to. The time changes to 6:29.


There she is. I hear a stomping noise grow louder as she down the hallway from the living room. "Clio Benson get your sorry ass out of bed!" The door to my room slammed open to reveal my mother. Well, adopted mother really. We couldn't look anymore different. She has light blonde hair down to her shoulders and icy blue eyes. My hair is dark brown and my eyes are brown. I don't look like my father either, who is also a blonde with blue eyes.

The blankets are pulled away from my face and my mothers stern look appears. "Clio! I told you to get out of bed." I sit up and stretch my arms, "I'm sorry. I'm tired." She rolls her eyes, "I don't care. Get the hell up." With a turn on her heel, she turns and stomps away.

I brush my hair out of my face and stand out of bed. Black spots rush into my vision. Shoot. I close my eyes and clench my fists tightly. A humming noise fills my ears. After a few moments, the sound dies away. When I open my eyes again, I can see perfectly fine.

I pad quietly across the floor and to my closet. My room is the smallest in the house. It consists of a twin bed, a desk and an almost empty closet. Pulling the chestnut closet doors open, I surveyed the sparse amount of clothing I had. It didn't take long to pick out black leggings and a yellow shirt. I pulled on socks and brushed my hair out until it was laying in wavy bits around my shoulders. I glanced in the mirror at my small 10 year old self. My dad always told me I was runty. Maybe he was right.

When I reach the kitchen, dad is already sitting at the table. My mom is at the stove. They virtually ignore me. I sit quietly on the chair, swinging my legs and eating my cinnamon toast. The silence is broken by my father commenting on the newspaper.

"Did you see the turnout of the Stark Exposition? Ridiculous amount of people. All to see a selfish guy in a metal suit. Such bs."

My mom snorts. "People like the man. He's just a money hoarder who got a few good genes. He's nothing special."

Nothing special? He's not just a rich face. He's insanely smart. And freaking Iron Man. He protects our country. My parents are the only two people who don't like him. But I looked up to him with everything I have. Even before Iron Man. He was a mechanic. Like me. Scratch that. I don't have to resources to be a mechanic per se. But I'm smart. Very smart. My parents wont tell me that though.

As my family continue to talk, I stand up and put my dish in the sink. Then cleared my throat. My mother glared at me. "What?"

"Am I taking the bus again? To school I mean."

"Oh, yeah. Yeah you are. But Nick is picking you up." She responded, then turned

My heart leaped. Yes! I loved Nick. He was my social worker. Most social workers didn't stick around with the child after they were adopted. But Nick was different. He always had his eye, as he only had one, on me. And I appreciated it. He was like my Uncle. He treated me better than my parents did.

I pulled my backpack off the floor next to the breakfast table and slung it over my shoulder. "Bye Mom, Dad."

All I received were mumbles. But I wasn't disheartened. I'm used to that.

After shutting the apartment door behind me, I ran down the flight of stairs to the 3rd level. Our level was only one above. I tapped my knuckles against the door of a small apartment. The door opened to reveal my best friend, a little brown haired boy.

"Hi Peter." I greeted him. I called through the door, "Hi Aunt May!" A dark haired women appeared behind Peter.

"Hi sweetie. Peter Parker you forgot you lunch." She handed him a bag and kissed his head. She gave me a smile, "Are you coming over after school?"

I shrugged. "It depends on my parents. And Nick. Nick is driving me home."

May smiled, "I'll talk to them don't worry."

I nodded, "Thanks May. Let's go Peter."

As we left, a voice called from the inside of the apartment. "Have a good Tuesday kids!"

"Thanks Uncle Ben!" Peter called. "Love you!"

Peter and I trotted down the steps of the apartment building. I lived on the fourth floor of an apartment on Chrystie Street in Queens, New York. Peter lived on the third floor. I wasn't born in Queens. My birth certificate says that I was born in small hospital in Malibu, California. But Nick found the the "perfect family" for me in New York when I was one. I like New York. It's bustling and loud and full of people. Not exactly the right environment for a kid who needs their own space to work and has ADHD. But I've never truly had my own space.

Peter and I headed down the sidewalk to a stop sign where a bright yellow bus was waiting.

When we found a bench half way back, Peter turned to me "Clio you HAVE to see this."He pulled a magazine out of his backpack. On the front was the red and gold face of our idol: Iron Man.

"Peter that's sick!" I gasped. Peter grinned, handing it to me. "I know right. Uncle Ben bought it for me yesterday when we were at Delmar's. They were special ordered. New! And the whole thing is dedicated to Tony Stark!"

I thumbed through the crinkly pages. "This is so cool!" I landed on a page that had Tony Stark standing, hands in pockets and a smirk on his face. My idol. He was incredible. I could care less about the money he made or the things he owned. He was the smartest man alive. His tech was crazy. He was everything I wanted to be and more. I sighed in envy and handed the magazine to Peter. "That's really lucky you got this one before they were sold out Peter." I said, trying to keep the jealousy out of my voice.

Peter smiled, "Yea, but you know whats luckier than getting one before they sold out?"

I tilted my head. "Whats luckier?"

Peter's smile grew devilish. Sticking a hand in his backpack, Peter drew out another copy of the magazine.

"Getting TWO before they were sold out. One for me and one for you."

I gave a squeal of excitement. "Peter you didn't!" I threw my arms around the and nearly strangled him. Peter laughed and hugged me back. "It was Uncle Bens idea really. When we bought them, he asked him if you would want one. I guess you did."

I giggled a held the shiny paper against my chest in giddy happiness. "Peter Parker I swear you are the best friend someone could every have."

Peter blushed. "You're not so bad yourself." I laughed.

Peter and I had known each other since Kindergarten. We was my closest friend. The only person with whom I shared all my secrets and trusted wholly. We were both complete geeks about tech, Iron Man and science. And we loved computers. We recalled loved computers.

The rest of the way to school, we poured over pages filled with Q&As, pictures and interviews with Tony Stark. But when we got to school, the two of us were forced to tuck away our magazines and get off the bus. As we entered the elementary, a familiar voice caught me and peter's attention.

"Hi guys! Wait up!"

"Hi Ned." I greeted. We had met Ned this year. He was new and a geek just like us. After giving Peter and I a fist bump, we continued into the brick elementary building.

It seemed being with my friends was the only thing that made me forget how bad my home life really was.

Hello my lovely readers. Here is the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. At the top is a picture of a young Clio. It was the best one I could find. Also, I really appreciate feedback. So anything you guys want to share, I would love that. Alrighty that's all I gotta say for now, thanks!
- @thephoenix_ahsoka

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