The Battle

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Fun fact: Y/n has to hides her Grimoire, because she uses it as a captain and does not want anyone finding out her secret. 


"BEGIN!" Fuegoleon yelled.

I watch closely at Amaryllis's movements, she jumps into the air, with blossom petals between her fingers, "Hardening flower petals!" She Chanted a spell loudly. Amaryllis throws the petals, at both of my legs, I slightly dodged one of the petals, while one graces my right thigh. Doesn't seem to do much damage...I look at Amaryllis to see her smirking.

Suddenly my leg went numb! I chanted a flash step spell under my breath, my Grimoire that's attached to my side began to glow. I'll have to hold back a lot..I don't want to kill the poor girl. As I flashed behind her, my leg slightly limping, My hands glowed blue, I smacked her across the head, Sending her flowing to the floor, making a dent in the rock ground. Oops? Maybe a little to much? I back flipped to the ground. I could feel the other fellow captains eyes burning into my back.

I looked at Amaryllis to see her gone from the hole? I felt a pressure from behind me, I Turn around grabbing the hold of a spear Amaryllis was trying to stab me with, her eyes were glowing a red color, "I Will! Win! For My Captain!" She Screeched, while kicking me in the stomach, sending me flying in the air. I regained my composure, reversing the kicks , impacted now I was falling down straight at Amaryllis, "Whip of the elf king!" I yelled, while a glowing gold whip forms in my hands, I lash the whip at Amaryllis, The Whip wrapping around her waist, "URGH!" She yells out in pain, every time she try's to use her magic it makes the whip tighter, Once I landed next to her I release my magic aura for a split second on accident.

≪Amaryllis Pov≫

My eyes slightly widen, Even if it was for a split second, I could feel that unforgettable aura, It was the aura of my one true love! The captain of the Noble knights! I was so mean to her!, If I only new! Now that I take in her looks, they were extraordinary! I'm so happy that my one true love used there magic on me!! It makes me drip just thinking about it! "I for fit!" I said loudly, while look at My Captain, "S-So what's Your name?" I ask while blushing deeply, I only heard that she's a Silvia, not her first name.."Y/n Silvia." She said blankly, Eep! So cool! Y/n...That's a nice name!

My Y/n undoes her magic whip setting me free, I jump up standing right next to Y/n. She walks out of the middle of the arena, I joyfully follow after her. "Is Your leg still numb?" I ask Y/n. She slowly nods, I blush, "I'll heal You!"
I touch my own lips, opening my Grimoire, "Kiss of healing!" I chanted, While grabbing Y/n's face, pulling her into a heated kiss, My own tongue entering her mouth, I pull away a string of saliva connecting to our tongues. I grab a handkerchief wiping it off. She was breathing heavy while looking at me. I blush while rubbing my thighs together, It going unnoticed because of my pink Komodo that I'm wearing.
I look down to see the scratch on her leg healing.


I clench my chair, watching that Pink haired WENCH! Kissing MY Y/n! How dare she! I resisted the urge to jump out of my chair and back hand the wench! No, I'll do more then backhand her I'll Fucking Destroy that Wench!! William placed a hand on my shoulder, "Is everything all right Nozel? You seem stressed." Willam asked, "I'm perfectly fine." I grumbled. He took his hand off my shoulder, "Aren't you related to her bird braid?" Yami grunts out. How dare he keep calling me bird braid!! "She's adopted." I plainly said, Yami nods his head looking back at the new battle going on, "Your sister would indeed make a good crimson lion." My Rival Fuegoleon said aloud with pride. Tsk, Like she'll join you, She will join me, she knows me the best after all! I shake my head getting the thoughts out of my head.

≪Back To Y/n≫

I was watching the Anti magic boy fight, He has some good skills, I'm sure people thing he's just useless and no talent to be a magic knight, but I can see, with his anti-magic sword it would be useful in battle, but I won't let my subordinate raise there hand for him, I can tell that The black bulls captain seems to be interested in him. I also think the black bulls will do this anti-magic boy the best. And there's The black haired boy with wind magic, He seems like someone who would do good in the golden dawn. Right now I have my eyes set on some people, Like Amaryllis, she has some strong magic, and with the right training I'm sure she will do good. There's other's of course, It seems my brother Solid is re-taking the test, to join my squad.

The only people who know I'm a captain, is The Wizard king, Nebra, Solid, And lastly Nozel

The Noble Silvia (Yandere Various Black clover x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt