Meeting The Silvia's

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Y/n's Small hands gripped to Acier own hands. Acier's baby bump was pretty big. Acier was going to introduce Y/n to her new siblings. New For Y/n anyhow.
Y/n was a pretty shy girl on the inside, but had a hard time showing her emotions, but with Acier Y/n was able to feel how she felt without beings judged.

Acier let Y/n to a huge Garden there were two kids a girl and a boy who seemed to be at least 11 and 10, playing around with magic. There was another boy, his nose stuck in a book, "Children." Acier called out. Nebra and Solid ran to there mother, "Yes Momma?" They both said. Acier grabbed Y/n's hand giving her a slight push forward, "This is the new to our edition family! Her Name is Y/n she Is 5 Year's old, Say Hello y/n!" Acier gave a bright smile.

Y/n's glossy like grey eyes seem to pierce into there soul, "Hello." Y/n said with not a bit of emotion. Solid slightly cringed, "What's wrong with her Mommy?" Solid tilted his head, "Now Solid that's not a nice thing to say! Nothings wrong with her..She just has a hard time showing...Her feelings! Now apologize!" Acier, gave Y/n a small smile, Solid kicked a pebble at Y/n, "No! Why should I?! I did nothing wrong!" Solid screamed while letting out a whine. Acier sighed, she looked down at Y/n, she gently crouched down, "I've have to leave for a bit sweetie, I have some work to do, Do you think you can try to get along with them?" Acier asked, gently brushing a strand of Y/n's light blue hair out of her face.

Y/n's Small hands held onto Acier's pinkie, "P-Promise You'll come back?" Y/n Whimpered out, Acier smiled while petting Y/n's head, "Promise." Acier then got up. Y/n turned her head to Solid and Nebra. Y/n Lifted her hand up for a hand shake, Nebra smacked Y/n's hand bacl, "Hmph! Don't touch me with your filthy hands! Commoner!" Nebra screamed in Y/n's face. Nebra grabbed Solids hand, she rushes off somewhere in the garden.

Y/n looked around the Garden, She seen A little boy under a tree reading a book, She walks her way over there.
Once she got there she plopped herself next to the boy, "Hi, I'm Y/n, What are you reading Onii-san?" Y/n asked, Her eyes slightly sparkling trying to show a bit of emotion, Y/n did not want her brothers and sisters to think of her as 'Creepy' Or 'Scary' Nozel turned his head to look at the small girl, He blushed crimson when she said 'Onii-san'
Not even Nebra would have the courage to call him that. Plus the small girl and her big baby cheeks where kinda cute.

Nozel lifted his book higher to his face, "Onii-san sure is Quiet." The blue haired girl said while scooting closer to Nozel, "Teach me to read Onii-san?" Y/n asked once more. Nozel lowered his book, "Very, well.." He mumbled out, while setting the book down on his lap.


Acier watched from Afar, she never imagined that Y/n would somewhat get along with Nozel. Acier smiled brightly she was glad she found Y/n.

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