"Honey, I told you I'm doing this with you, when your sessions are over at the end of the month then we can both have a celebratory drink ok?" She smiles at me wrapping her arms around my waist

"I can't wait to finish them! I don't even know why I have to wait till the end of the month"

"Just do as you're told! Plus you only have a half hour session a week now honey, you've gone from two hours three times a week to half an hour once a week in the space of three months. That's a big thing sweetie!" Maura explains letting go of me

"Yeah I know, sorry babe I'm pretty irritable today" I sigh sitting down in her chair

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I didn't get much sleep, I was working on the designs for the club so you have some to go over, making the list of the sound and lighting equipment, then I tried to look over the books for the bar and well I totally gave up with that, I tried to sort out a set for the dance and I'm struggling with that, and now Steven I just, god I need a break" I admit

"Sweetie, I told you not to worry about the books you know I'll do the admin side of things, just like I said we would get the designs done together. As for the sound and lighting I can't be much help there, we will get to the bottom of it with Steven, but what about your music Jane? Your not stuck are you?" Maura asks muttering the last question

"No Maur I'm not stuck, it's just trying to get it all to flow right I'm just struggling with it being a god damn 50s Monte Carlo theme, don't get me wrong I can put loads of songs together but not any the kids would know or enjoy, so I'm basically having to re write all modern songs for each instrument, plus I think it's possibly because I don't want to play at the dance. I just wanted to try and take some of the work off you babe that's why I did some designs that we can adjust together, the same with the paper work, I wanted you to have a break" I smile as Maura sits sidewards in my lap wrapping her arm around my neck.

"Mmm well it's very thoughtful, are you playing a set over the weekend? Why don't you want to play at the dance sweetie?" She asks

"As it stands I'm not playing we have a few bands and solos who have booked in for Friday and Saturday night, I'll probably play on Sunday night though. As for the dance, well I guess I'm worried that I might be pulled into a flashback."

"But you haven't had any for a while?"

"Yeah I know but I've been putting myself in situations to help me get over them. I thought that with playing at the bar then I would be ok, but the whole environment is different here, you know the room the layout the kids that will be there and I don't know what will happen once I'm up on that stage and I look out to the crowd and find you in it." I try to explain

"That makes sense Jane, to be honest I don't know why I put my name down for chaperone duty, I'm not feeling it either..." Maura mutters

"Mmm well... how about you stay on the stage with me?" I suddenly think

"How will that work though Jane? I mean I'm supposed to be watching the kids" she laughs

"Ahh you can you'll get a better view from up on the stage I'm sure Mark won't mind you can sit up on the amp" i smirk

"Which amp?" Maura looks at me confused

"The big one babe, like the Marshall at the bar" I lean in closer to her ear "plus I think you might like it" I kiss her neck and graze my teeth over her ear lobe

"Why would I like it?"

"Because it's the amp that would be connected to my guitar when I play it" I whisper against her ear as it suddenly clicks what I was talking about she clamps her thighs together making me laugh just as I'm about to run my hand up her leg we are interrupted,

Let Me In (book 2 - follow on from Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now