chapter 26

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Im sorry I haven't been updating....Just read!!!


I knocked on the door and it wasn't no response so I did it again. Then here come this cute and handsome lil boy

"Hey"he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist  " hey lil man

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"Hey"he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist " hey lil man.." I kissed his head as we walked in the house. "I got alot to show u"he started gently pulling my arm.

He's my lil brother that's very sweet and innocent. I guess that's the reason I didn't want to be around him is because that miscarriage,just thinking about how my baby could've been here and it hurts the most for my lil brother's dad t-

"Hey baby" my mom came from out the kitchen "hey momma"I started walking up towards her with my arms open to hug her, she pulled me in her arms and hugged me "I'm so glad you came today"she said while hugging me "mommy I want liyah to play with me"I smiled "ok but y'all be ready for dinner" she smiled going back to the kitchen "well come on lil man...we can play fo a lil bit" I reached out my hand, he smiled as he held a grip on my hand.

I sat down on his bed watching him pull out all types of toys "so you like school"I asked "yea some times" his energy took a quick turn when I asked about school " what you mean by that?"I slid down on the floor taking my shoes off "I don't really have friends"he kept his eyes on this toy that he was tryna open "well school just not gonna have friends but soon you will"I grabbed the toy that he was struggling with and opened it with no problem "thank you,ok so you can be this and I can be this... I can tranform in to a car"he said demonstrating his toy

1 hour later...

"Food ready" I heard my mom yelled "mom is done cooking"he yelled dramatically. He so dramatic

We went downstairs to the smell of chicken Alfredo and baked chicken.

"Mmmhh it smells good momma"I sat down as she gave me my plate


"Ok so we see your 2 months pregnant so now your baby is a size of a fetus, is about 2.54cm (1 inch) long, weighs about 9.45g (1/3 ounce), and a third of baby is now made up of its head."the doctor informed us "so I'm still gonna contain morning sickness" she asked "um it depends, not every pregnancy is the same,so are you taking your pregnancy vitamins"he asked "uh yes always"

I just sat back and kept quiet, a couple days I'm starting to feel this bad vibe from shordy, like leaving the house early and every time some one call her phone she go outside to talk to them. Man I don't know, I don't have time to worry about her, I gotta get ma shit together, good thing I didn't moved completely in ha house. I just needa distance myself for a lil while and work on tryna get my daughter, well at least to see my baby, I can only FaceTime or call her.

"Ok thank you so much Dr. Jones"she said handing me the ultrasound, I looked at it, I'm gonna get this baby tested soon as it come out.


Hey y'all...omgod not too long ago that house was flooded like hell but good thing i was in my house. That's why I haven't been posting like usual.

Do you think this baby is dave?

What Aaliyah lil brother did to Aaliyah?

So tell me you guys thoughts

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