Alice's Backstory

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One day, I, Alice, was an ordinary girl living an ordinary life and with amazing parents and two great brothers! One named Cameron and one named Camden. I played many sports and I was very smart and I could move things with the power of telekinesis. But no one knew I had that power only I knew. When I got mad I would go into rage, I would throw things and break stuff and I cant control myself when in that rage and that started happening when I was 7 years old, but my family helped me get rid of my rage. Sometimes I would be in a completely calm state and My eyes and hair would change color. The colors were Blue and gold. If someone spoke to me I would exit this state and my eyes and hair would lose there color. But, on September 23, 2015 I got very sick. I was sleeping a lot more and the times I would wake up from my sleep I would eat, drink and then just vomit that out and go back to sleep again... But one day in October, I went into a coma... In the coma, Its like I lived another life. I was in a magical world with magical creatures, witches, and amazing landmarks. My name in that world was Terra. I was a goddess of the elements.I had golden blond hair and blue eyes I explored this world to see what secrets lie in this fantasy like world and one of the secrets was my dragon Yharon. Yharon was a jungle dragon. He was covered with feathers and breathed fire. He was a loyal, powerful and beautiful and he would do anything for his master, which was me... But another one of these secrets that was in this world was a witch. Who was evil, and controlled the element of brimstone. This witch was my mother and her name was Calamitas. One day I was exploring the swampland and then out of nowhere a ninja frog was there. Since me and Calamitas never got along I ask the frog if I could be friends with him and if I could follow him home... He said yes and I followed him home. There I met two others. Someone named Basher and another called Josh. I then became friends with them and we set of on a adventure to kill my mother so they could go home. After killing Calamitas. I was giving the option to go to there home with them and I said sure. So I got my dragon and we went with the three to their home. But, I then realized that their home was my home, So I wake up in the hospital and the first thing I do is look at my phone. It read Wednesday, January 19 2020. I saw I was in a coma for 5 years. The time was 5:41 am... and I then found out that my parents were dead. One of my brothers was missing and the other was across the world living a normal life. From there, That's when the nightmare started...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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