Chapter 1 Tickets to the museum

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After leaving the hospital, with grim, and gram. I got home late due to gram talking to the fair Gwen about Freak, I feel more sleepier than Ryan Gosling tired face. I finally went back home, when I was about to go back to my room, grim stopped me saying "I know it was a tough time at the hospital, knowing your best friend freak could have lost his life after that seizure." I told him I didn't know what to think about this. After that talk with grim, I went to my bed but I couldn't seem to sleep like something was keeping me up but it wasn't someone it was me, my dumb brain was thinking of freak near Death experience.

Tears rolled down my cheek thinking about losing Freak, and  being in the world, And just like that I fell asleep like my thoughts becoming too big and knocked me out.

It's the morning I'm surprised that it wasn't Freak waking me up it was grim saying there is something special upstairs. As I walk up the stairs and get out of my room.

I see Freak. I was overwhelmed with joy knowing Freak was okay, Tears start to roll down my eyes as I quickly run to give Freak a hug. Freak says as I hug him "It looks like I didn't need that surgery." With a goofy grin. When I stopped hugging him, he looks so happy like some miracle would come, but it was the Fair Gwen saying "Max i have three tickets to the museum, and Freak wanted me to ask yo-." The Fair was cut off by Freak "TO GO WITH US!" He says super excited, while the Fair Gwen gives him a lecture about yelling. I say yes I will go, both the Fair Gwen, and Freak eyes to seem glad but Freak's eyes are more excited.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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