The Barrens

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"(y/n) it'll be fun, and you'll be helping Bill somehow!" Richie tells you and you look at Eddie, who was making a disgusted face.

"I'm sure you don't want to be splashing around in shit either, Richie." You sigh and start walking away, but Eddie grabs your shoulder before you go too far.

"What if I go with you? Will you be okay, then?" He asks, obviously not wanting to go in the disgusting, yucky grey water.

"You'll be with me, the whole time? But you're a huge germophobe!" You point out and he looks up at you with his little brown eyes.

"I'll do it for you, we're best friends aren't we?" Eddie says and you nod your head as your hair moves along with your head.

"We are.. Alright, I'll do it." You look down at Eddie, who was smiling with his perfect, cute little smile.

Time Skip 'Cause I'm lazy :)

You lean your bike against a tree as the other boys just throw theirs onto the stones carelessly, other than Eddie. Eddie leans his bike against a different tree, since he was terrified of most bugs that could be on the ground. Sure, Stan was scared of bugs, but he didn't mind them really.

"Is ev-everyone ready?" Bill asks as he flicks on his black flashlight into the tunnel.

"Yup." Richie grins and just runs right into the tunnel, loud splashes erupt from the water every step he takes.

"Oh shit.. Nuh-uh, it's -" You cut Eddie off and stare at the water.

"Grey water."

"What the hell is grey water?" Richie sighs and flops his hands to his sides.

"It's.. It's basically piss and shit, so I'm telling you, you're splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee." Eddie explains as Richie picks up a small sniff and takes a couple whiffs.

"What are you-" Eddie gets cut off again, but by Richie.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me, señor..." He says in a Spanish accent, making you roll your eyes.

"I can smell that from here Richie." Eddie tells him and Richie looks in the water.

"No, it's probably just your breathe wafting back into your face." Richie makes a motion with his free hand, rolling his wrist toward his face.

"Have you ever heard of a staph infection?" Eddie asks as he puts his hand out straight, grazing a small branch that leaned over in front of the tunnel.

"Oh I'll show you a staph infection!" Richie laughs and picks up a grey bag with the stick, throwing it at Eddie.

Eddie yelps but you jump in front of the bag, letting it hit your leg. You gag as you walk away from the bag, going between Eddie and Stanley.

"Oh God, (y/n) you shouldn't have done that.." Eddie looks at a small wet spot on the front of your pant leg.

"At least it didn't touch you, little germophobe." You giggle, making Eddie cover his eyes with his hand.

Suddenly, a whole new argument starts up and you look a Bill, who had been knelt down in the water. He reaches into the water, picking up a small, pink-ish shoe.

"Guys!" Bill yells, catching everyone's attention and stopping their bickering.

"Shit, don't tell me that's..." Stanley whimpers as Bill shakes his head, shining his flashlight on the shoe.

"No, G-G-Georgie wore Galoshes." Bill stutters as he moves the shoe to look inside of it.

He shines the light on black, bold words that read;

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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