To Use and be Used

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"Tell us about your quirks," The voice said, Deku wasn't sure who said it but he was sure it was someone behind Overhaul.

"No can do, not spilling anything to a creepy little dude like you - I can make a clone of anything but I need a clear image of whatever I plan to duplicate, Without a perfect image, all he will get is a poorly formed copy that won't last long. If we're talking people I need the measurements; height, chest, shoe size, and all sorts of other data. The copies are less durable and powerful than the real thing, and a second copy is apparently even more fragile than the first. For personal reasons I can't clone myself." Twice stated as he explained every aspect of his quirk to the Yakuza.

Deku and Toga looked at Twice surprised as Twice's hand clasped over his face "What, no, I didn't mean to!"

"Well, don't I look dumb," Toga stated before taking in a deep breath. "I can change into anyone's appearance by consuming their blood. It gives me the full ability to copy another person's appearance and create a perfect image of them, including tiny details like their voice. The amount of time I stay transformed equals the amount of blood I consume. One cup of blood lets me stay transformed for about a day. The blood of multiple people gives me options. I even get their clothes too, it's a little embarrassing since I gotta strip first or my clothes go overtop," As she finished Toga's hand clasps over her mouth as well.

"My quirk is enhancement, I can enhance the muscles in my body making me faster, stronger, and able to withstand more," As Deku finishes his eyes immediately glare at Overhaul.

"There is one more thing I have to-" As the man in the pure black outfit behind Overhaul was speaking Deku quickly interrupted him.

"So it was you! A truth-telling quirk, I was wondering whos voice I heard when the talking stuffed animal was speaking. You timed it quite well I barely caught it, I bet your quirk makes anyone have to answer truthfully to your questions. If you try it again on me I'll keep interrupting you or just plug my ears so I can't hear your questions."

"I don't like being made a fool of!" Toga shouted angrily.

"You Yakuza are despicable - I never even noticed," Twice responded.

Tensions began to rise between the two groups as Deku let out a little smile "however I can understand the use of it this one time since our group was being very uncooperative, but in the spirit of cooperation I request that you also tell us your quirks."

Some of Overhaul's men were ready to attack Deku for his insolence and what seemed to make everything worse was Deku's arrogant smile. Seeing has things would continue to deteriorate Overhaul had to try and calm down the situation.

"Of course it was my intention to share our quirks as well. People in a position like mine take unification of an organization very seriously. We can't have people hiding certain types of secrets so the truth is a necessity. Before I tell you their quirks there is a question I would like to ask where the truth is a necessity, did Shigaraki tell you to betray us?"


"No - wish he did."

"He didn't."

"I hope you understand that I need to confirm it," Overhaul stated.

"Alright, that I can agree to," Deku said with complaints coming from Toga and Twice. The man in black reasked the question as the three of them gave the same answers.

"Very good, Deku I'm sure you will want to know about everyone's quirks not just the people in this room so I'll tell you later. Until then since your all wanted crimals you are not to leave the underground."

"But I wanna be free," Toga whines.

"You'll get that freedom when you earn out trust, that's on you" Overhaul replies.

"Get that you punks! To earn our trust were also going to need an attitude adjustment, especially from you Deku, your arrogance is not tolerat - Hey, where the hell are you going!?" The little black thing yelled again as Deku walks closer to overhaul completely ignoring him.

"There is something more we need to discuss," Deku said.

"What right do you have! You just got here quit thinking your hot shit!"

"Joi stop," Overhaul said calmly "If this is about the drug it will have to wait."

"Not this is about the other person," Deku replies trying to be vague.

Overhaul's eyes narrow "Could you all leave please, Kurono and Nemoto you two stay as well."

"Deku what's going on?" Toga asks.

"I'll tell you later, it's better to just leave it be for now," Deku responds not even glancing at Toga as his eyes remain fixed on Overhaul. Deku figured out that the guy in all black with the truth-telling quirk was called Nemoto and the one wearing white that led them here was Kurono.

"I thought I told you to leave anything revolving around her alone Deku," Overhaul stated trying to remain clam.

"If we're working together on this then I think it would be best if I was in put in charge as her caretaker," Deku responded.

"Why would I trust you with her?"

"If you don't want another incident then I'm the best choice. I highly doubt Eri cares if you kill any of your people for letting her escape, however, I'm probably the closest to her age and have the best opportunity to become friends. She would be wouldn't do anything against us if she believes it would jeopardize someone she cares for."

"Deku, I'm going to have Nemoto use his quirk, this is delicate so I can't risk anything."


"Deku, are you personally planning on betraying us?" Nemoto asks.

"Maybe," Deku says as he smiles.

"Explain!" Nemoto immediately says

"If your plan is just some two-bit villain scheme then I will because you won't be worth my cooperation. If your plan is as good as you make it out to be then there will be no problems," Deku replied.

"Alright, I can agree to that then. You will be kept an eye on but I will allow you to interact with Eri." Overhaul states.

"One more thing, I will have to say things to her like promising to show her the outside. If she believes that once the tests are over she will have more freedom, then getting her to cooperate will be much easier."

"Fine, However, if you cross me I'll have to give you a fate much worse then any death you can think of."

"Then we have a deal," Deku says as he walks out of the room.

"He's very dangerous," Overhaul states looking at the door.

"If he is then why would you agree to let him near Eri?" Kurono asks.

"Because he is extremely useful. He's the kind of guy who analyzes a situation and makes sure to be on the winning side. You've seen how quickly he can analyze a quirk, makes guesses to how it works, and find a way to counter it," Overhaul says.

"If he's that dangerous then isn't letting him know our group's quirks even more dangerous?" Kurono says.

"Yes, but it was necessary after he figured out Nemoto's quirk. He is trying to put himself in a position where if we and the League go to war then no matter which side wins Deku comes out on top. As the one who Eri would actually trust he becomes an important piece to both sides. As long as he is with us I can make full use of his abilities, more so then the League ever could."

The Villain born from Shattered DreamsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum