Athena: "Uh... Yeah..."

Arix: "Uh... So um... Thank you for helping us."

Janey: "Ah, right, it was no problem, so what's a gang of mercenaries doing off their fancy little space station?"

Arix: "We're tracking down a jamming signal messing with our systems back on Helios, know anything about it?"

Janey: "Jamming signal? Haven't noticed anything like that, you might wanna get to Concordia. Little city run by a fella called 'The Merrif'. Gotta be somebody there who can help you."

Arix: "Great, one problem though, we can't breath outside!"

Janey: "Which is why you'll need an O2 kit -- 'Oz kits' we call them -- to survive the journey though. I've got some broken ones stashed nearby but I can repair 'em for you, even if you ain't the breathing type like Clap you'll be glad you got an Oz kit, head to these coordinates and clear the place out."

Wilhelm: "And we're expected to get there all in one breathe?"

Janey: "Relax, there's craters in the ground releasing enough oxygen to make a trip, just stand above one, take a whiff, and keep going. You'll make it trust me.

Timothy: "Do we all have to go, can't be dangerous, sure I saw a few... Lava skag things but I don't think its that dangerous."

Janey: "Well if you want I do have another job that needs doing, just something personal. It involves collecting some of my lost story Echo logs."

Wilhelm: "Nope."

Janey: "Which are in an area full of Kraggon that I'd also like to be eradicated."

Wilhelm: "I'm in! Let's go copycat!"

Timothy: "W-Wait what? Me? But I- Ah!"

Wilhelm pushed him out the base as Janey sent them coordinates.

Janey: "They'll be fine, there's craters and another bubble for air"

Athena shook her head and looked at the rest of us.

Athena: "I'm going for the Oz kits, anyone coming?"

Aurelia: "Oh I would but I don't wanna risk looking poor scrounging around in a ruined building."

Nisha: "If there ain't enough targets to shoot, count me out."

Claptrap: "Don't worry Athena, I'll be happy to assist you!"

Arix: "I'll come with too."

Athena: "Thank god... Come on then."

Grabbing the Dahl smg I picked up back on Helios I followed her out with Claptrap. A few Kraggon got in our way but nothing too serious to stop us.

Arix: "So the Ex-Lance assassin, what made you want to take this job?"

Athena: "Food ain't cheap and most people don't really trust me with the whole Atlas get up so I barely got any job offers. What about you, engineer?"

Arix: "Kinda in a similar situation as Tim, I lived on Prometha but my parents sent me to Eden-5 with my grandfather to get a proper education and use my expertise on tech witch worked out until my grandfather passed and and I needed to get into the University. Unfortunately, he left most of his inheritance to my uncle who's a greedy dirtbag who'll probably gamble it all away and I hate with a burning passion... Anyway, I found a job offer as an engineer for Hyperion that paid a lot and the rest is history."

Claptrap: "Wow! You two are really depressing to hang around but its alright! My life isn't any better!"

Arix: "I can imagine." 

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