Chapter 2

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Once professor Haeyoon dismisses them and leaves the classroom the pairs move to sit together. Wooseok though stays still, not even glancing back to where his partner is seated.

Jinhyuk, a business student that is from Wooseok's generation, is one of the most popular alphas on campus, you have to be living under a rock to not know who he is. His 'pack' is wide and includes not only students from all majors and generations but also omegas, betas, and even fellow alphas.

The chair next to his is pulled back, Wooseok glancing up to face Jinhyuk who has an amicable smile on his thin lips. He's tall, really fucking tall, he towers over Wooseok with not only his height but his broad shoulders.

Wooseok's body tenses in reaction, the instinct to either snarl or cower back one he barely wins over. Jinhyuk sits down next to him, leaving a respectable space between them that instead of making Wooseok relax just makes him warier.

The alphas that pretend to be nice and unoffensive to get close to him have been too many, that trick doesn't work on him.

"Nice to officially meet you, Wooseok." Jinhyuk says with a toothy grin on his face, Wooseok's eyes glancing at his sharp canines for a moment before he looks back up into Jinhyuk's dark eyes. "I'm Jinhyuk, your partner but you already know that."

Wooseok detects the hint of amusement on the alpha's voice but he fails to find what is so funny. The other male is hinting at Wooseok's reputation that is never seen as something positive by his kind. Not that he cares.

He turns away from him to his binder and opens it on the section he has assigned for this class, skimming through the few pages he has filled already until he reaches a blank one. Professor Haeyoon had said they could turn their assignments in a lined paper. Wooseok takes the pen he had left next to his binder and turns his head to look at his partner with a blank expression on his face.

"Are you going to do this or not?" Jinhyuk's smile drops a little, Wooseok seeing how the corners of his lips twitch. The older -because yeah Wooseok knows he is younger than Lee Jinhyuk, it was useless information but he had it for some reason- reaches for his backpack he had placed on the floor next to his seat and takes out a blue pen and small baby blue notebook, there's a small sun drawn with golden marker on the cover.

Wooseok glances up at Jinhyuk's hair. It's dyed an electric blue and in a comma style. Ok so Jinhyuk likes blue, another useless piece of information that Wooseok hopes his brain doesn't retain for long.

Without another word exchanged they get to work. Both boys switching between writing down and looking towards each other. Their first assignment was to write five sentences to describe each other's physical appearance, something pretty basic but it was Haeyoon's idea to get a better understanding of the class's general English level.

The first thing he writes down is 'He is tall' Wooseok stopping himself from adding a 'really' to the sentence, feeling too bitter to point it out.

'Jinhyuk has blue hair' He doesn't attempt to add it's dyed, not knowing the translation for it. Wooseok remembering the older's smile writes something else.

'Has sharp teeth' is something obvious with Jinhyuk being an alpha but even taking that into consideration, his teeth were sharper than the average one. He can't help but wonder if that plays a part in him being such a popular alpha.

Jinhyuk has not looked at him for a few moments too long, his hand moving over the paper as he writes. Wooseok takes the chance to stare at him, trying to notice another detail he can write.

The alpha's skin looks smooth and Wooseok can't find a single blemish, not even a hint of dark circles so he turns to his work again and writes 'He has perfect skin'.

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