Principals Office

Start from the beginning

Reader pov~~

I sighed returning to the conversation with Hinata and Kageyama as Yamaguchi left "So you knew Tsukishima and Yamaguchi in childhood?" Kageyama asked "Y-yeah, we were in the same class... I s-sort of got a-along with them..." I said as Hinata chirped in "Really? Did they play voll-" "yes." I interrupted him know exactly what he would say, I sighed before taking a piece of sushi from Hinata's bento box "T-thankyou" I said nibbling the piece quietly "No problem!" He smiled befire we packed up and headed for our free lessons, otherwise known as club time.

I didn't have a club so I decided to start my newspaper, beginning with volleyball "O-oh that's right, y-you two aren't allowed to p-participate yet" I said as they sweatdropped "Yeah..." they sighed before I snickered "A-at least y-you will s-soon" "If we beat the other first years" Hinata said before I looked at them "W-wait that m-means your v-versing Tsukishima and Y-yamaguchi" I said looking at the boys "T-that won't b-be easy" I finished as Tsukishima and Yamaguchi cane around the corner "Your going down." Tsuki smirked calmly sending shivers down my spine "D-don't listen t-to him, y-you got this!" I smiled looking back at the guys "As if I'll beat them like Kageyama did to Hinata back last year" Tsukishima snickered before Hinata growled "How dare you!" He growled "Oh your the kids who caused problems on the first day" Tsukishima smirked "T-tsukishima that's enough" I said stepping between the two of them "Oh shorty I didn't see you there, your jus-" "Don't finish that s-setence" I said before glaring up at him "tch" Tsukishima held his smirk as Yamaguchi laughed beside him "we won't lose to you" Kageyama growled "haha just what is expect from a king" Tsukishima smirked "Quite calling me king" Kageyama muttered "Oh, the rumours true. You do dislike being called king of the court" Tsukishima continued his nagging as Kageyama grew irritated, I stood between the two of them praying that this would die down

Kageyama turned before shoving me out of the way and grabbing Tsukishima by the shirt, I hit the ground with a quiet thud "Tsukki!" Yamaguchi squeaked "Oi you hurt her." Tsukishima seemed to growl as Kageyama released him and walked away, Hinata helped me up asking if I was ok "Y-yeah I'm fine" I said with a soft smile "Well well well king of the court is running from his problems?" Tsukki questioned before Hinata growled "That's enough of the king of the court crap! I'm here too!" He shouted before I stood beside Yamaguchi "Hinata get over here you ass!" Kageyama growled before Hinata jogged away

Tsukishima turned on his heel and walked away "Tsukki wait up!" Yamaguchi said following him, I stood there for a sec watching the two of them before following Kageyama and Hinata.

The next day~

After hearing the match details I had to watch, so with my camera and bag I entered the gymnasium to see the rivalry had began "jeez that tsukishima-kun - WELL PULVERIZE YA!" Tanaka growled sending shivers up my spine, even if I wasn't playing.

The game started and I sat with Kiyoko having a quiet conversation but most of it was watching the game.

I stared in awe as Hinata jumped high into the air slamming the ball, only for Tsukishima to block it perfectly "D-dammit he w-was so close" I muttered as Kiyoko nodded still shocked by his jump "You can keep that up but I'll keep blocking you know?" Tsukishima gave an 'innocent smile' before giving the ball to Yamaguchi to serve and he sadly failed "Unlucky Yamaguchi!" I smiled trying to ease the tension, he smiled slightly before the ball was passed to Kageyama to serve, he served only to have Daichi to receive and Yamaguchi to spike it.

Tsukishima smirked "C'mon king of the court, maybe you should get serious" he said as Kageyama growled "Quit it with the king!" Hinata yelled "oh do you know why he's called that?" Tsukki continued, I stood up knowing where he was going "He's called king of the court by his teammates, it means a selfish egotistical king." He smirked as Kageyama balled a fist "Shut up Tsukishima! Your here to play... not to be an asshole!" I shouted from the sideline, all eyes landed on me as I became nervous "Hah! Get told!" Tanaka laughed "He's right... no one was there and I was benched" Kageyama looked up "but that's just a junior high story, isn't it?" Hinata asked "Why does it matter? We're going to win and join the club activities!" He finished with a smile and then the game continued

Photograph//Tsukishima X Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now