Chapter 2

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⚠️ There is I'll be Cuss words and slight hide. If you might get offended or don't want to read that kind of stuff. Leave this book then cause it basically a lot of chapters.

Dicks POV
Today has not been so fucking great me and my brothers are having a turf war at the moment. "Ugh do we have to do this I wanna find some cutie and take them home" complained Jason. "Is fucking all you ever think about" said Tim. Which led them to fight back and fourth.

"Shut up you guys we have to get this fight over with" with that they became quiet. The ride was decent and we would be there in about 5 min. It pissed me off more that they wanted to do this at night.

Damian's POV
I turned the corner and see a mafia gang and this one blonde guy with green tips. They were shooting this girl In the thigh. I just got angry so I sped up to them and pulled out my butterfly knife and stabbed the guys in the head. He fell to the ground and I saw the orange head tied up and looked shocked. I quickly untied her but after I finished I was kicked to the wall by some green haired person. I slammed into the wall but the oranges haired kneed him making him groan and distracted.

"Come on we gotta go" I said while pulling her out of the alley way. Once we were clear I made her sit down and I grabbed me first aid kit and started to stitch up her wounds. She would wince at the pain every once in a while. "Okay that should do it also do you have anyone that can pick you up" I asked after finishing up with her wounds.

"Why are you so kind to me I kill and steal for a living" she said in a drained and sad voice. "Tt geez of course I'll help someone bleeding I don't care what you do for a living". I said annoyed people these days are so confusing.

I then gave her my number and left leaving her there after she told me someone would pick her up.

Cass POV
The kid then left while I was still in shock with someone helping me and disciplining me on why he helped me. Then Dicks car pulled up and I see Jason,Tim and Dick in there giving me worried looks. I pulled myself up and went in the car. "So did you kill the leader" said Tim. "No actually some kid killed them when they tied me down and were shooting me. He ran up and stabbed the leader in the head. He then got kicked but after he untied me I kicked the Joker and the kid pulled me away and ran off. He then later on fixed my wounds".

I said in a rushed voice so that I won't get in trouble for not killing them. "Damn a kid did all that for ya geez seems we have someone that can be an assurance to us" said Jason. With Dick and Tim bidding agreeing with them.

Next day
Damian's POV
geez yesterday was crazy. I saved a Mafia girls ass then disciplined her geez I'm so dumb sometimes aren't I. I got up and started to cook some pancakes with sausage and eggs as the side. When someone knocked on my door. I opened it to see three tall guys in black suites. Here is how I responded to them.

"Who the fuck are you".....

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