Currents Convulsive

Start from the beginning

'Row. Txt me back'     Sent at 5am.

Oh man. Now my anxiety is higher than it was before. 

'Sorry I just got this. Whats up?'

Casual enough, makes me seem like I'm not freaking out.

My phone vibrates. Its Mike. Im surprised he's up.

'R u still at jaimes?'

I text back right away.

'yea, im having coffee right now but no one else is up.'

Almost right after I send the text, I hear someone on the stairs. My heart starts pounding right away. Of course, it's Mike.

"Hey." he says. He leans against the counter across from me. "You sleep good?"

"Not too bad." I say. "You?"

He shrugs and doesn't say anything. An awkward silence hangs over us for a couple seconds.

"Sooo, last night." he says.

"We don't have to do this." I reply. "I know you, I get what you're like. We were both fucked up too, so-"

"Wait a second," he says, interrupting me. "What does that mean? You know what I'm like? What am I like?"

I shrug. "You know, you kinda sleep around."

He looks a little pissed off. "So you're just gonna dismiss last night because, what? I fuck around a lot so you think I just tried to get with you because you were nearby?"

"Well, not exactly." I say. "But am I wrong if I say that though?"

"I guess not." he says and straightens up. "Later." 

He turns to leave, but I call after him.

"Come on, Mike." I say. I reach out and grab his arm. "Thats not what I meant, okay?"

"I think you did."

"No, I didn't. I just meant that..." I struggle to find the words.

"You mean that I fuck around a lot, that I'm desperate to fuck anyone." he says, filling in the sentence that I can't.


He pushes me against the counter and brings his face close to mine, his hand going around my throat firmly.

"I wanted to fuck you because you're hot and you turn me on. Not because I'm desperate to fuck the whole world." he says, then kisses me aggressively. He doesn't even give me time to kiss him back, he pulls away so quick. "Don't say shit like that to me again. You're wrong about me. But since you think so little of me, I'll leave you alone from now on."

He goes back upstairs before I can form a proper sentence. Getting kissed like that and then having him say that shit to me gave me whiplash. I could go upstairs and talk to him. I should. I don't know what to say, though. Maybe I don't know him as well as I thought I did. Maybe I should just leave it.

I'm gonna fix it. I feel bad. 

I make my way upstairs, Mike's staying in the other guest room. No one else is in here with him so I'm assuming Vic had been sleeping in here too.

Mike doesn't even look up from his phone when I enter.

"Hey." I say softly. I walk over to the bed and sit on the side of it. "I'm sorry."

He still doesn't look at me.

"Risky to be here." he says. "Your brother might hear. His rooms right next to this one."

"I'm just here to say sorry, nothing else. I really didn't mean anything by what I said."

He glances up from his phone to look at me. "Alright."

"Seriously, Mike. I didn't mean to make you sound like a shit person."

"It's fine, Row. I don't care." he says.

"You clearly do." I reply.

He looks at me, clearly annoyed. I know he wants to me to leave but I really just wanna make it right. I don't like leaving anything in a negative way. 

"Mike, come on, I was just-"

"Jesus Christ, Rowan. Just leave it alone." he yells. "Its whatever."

"Fine, fuck." I say as I get up off the bed. "Now I'm really glad that I didn't make that mistake with you last night." I say then leave.

I go to the room I was in so I can gather up my stuff. I get changed out of my pjs, brush my hair, send a quick text to Jaime to thank him for throwing me a party and then head out, still in a bad mood from Mike. If my wish yesterday would have been to fuck everything up then I definitely would have gotten my wish today. 

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